the party that changed me

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I had a new mission, I just needed to find someone useless and kill them. It seemed simple especially for me, I wasn't used to getting jobs this easy. But I guess it wouldn't be too bad to have a break from torturing victims. Though I did occasionally find it amusing to see them squirm with fear of their lives.

I'm Tobias Erin Rodgers, a serial killer with tourettes and whatever other mental disorders. A lot of fuck wads decided to give me the nickname 'Ticci Toby' how sweet of them, eh? I'm numb to pain inside and out, so I lack a lot of empathy or whatever. But that never really bothered me because I forgot a lot of my past. But.. the nickname stuck with me now I'm only known as my flaw.

I was assigned to kill by one who I shall not say the name of. Though he is a well known being but people always think I'm insane...

I decided to find a lowlife at a highschool party, surely no one would miss a terrible person. So I gathered my last bit of sanity and decided to try to lay low. I get my appearance can be frightening to many and unsettling to others. I changed from my normal hoodie into a plain all black outfit. And I added a disposable face mask to hide my hideous scar on my face. Honestly I don't remember how I got it, I just know its a burden I have to carry with me.

I looked around my shitty apartment for anything I'd need for a quick execution. I found a pocket knife on a milk crate I use as a table. My apartment was the size of a small walk in closet, it didn't even have a bathroom. I slept on two used mattresses stacked on top of eachother. I had two pillows, lucky me, even though they were both cheap and had stained pillow cases. They were better than nothing. My apartment didn't have a light either, and there were holes in the walls, revealing the insulation and cheap wood it was made with. There was a roach or a spider every once in a while, but I they even this place is too wrecked for their liking. And why would they want to keep me company anyway? It's not like I had anything like food or water to give.

I put the pocket knife in my back pocket, sure I could havebrought my axes.. But that would be suspicious. And it was clichè for such an uneventful killing. I stepped outside of my apartment and it lead directly through a run-down hallway. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets and left the building. It was dark so I could duck through alleyways and get to the nicer neighborhoods. The ones with the people who think that their old enough to do stupid shit then argue their mature.

My neck jolts to one side from a tic, but I don't pay any mind to it. Its not anyone would care about it anyway. No one ever paid attention to me and I'd like to keep it that way.

I walked though the streets and dodged all street lights I could. Living in the dark for so long made me well adapted to it. I dodged any of the crackheads and just anyone in general. I just walked empty minded like any person would. I was able to make it to the opposite side of town, all of the perfect houses and perfect yards made me feel uncomfortable. Its a rare feeling that I get, but it tends to lurk around in unexpected areas.

I get to a house on the far end of the pristine roads. It just so happened to be located on the edge of a dark forest. I laugh to myself a little when I got to the house. How perfect...

There were a few young adult/teens smoking and drinking on the front porch. Though they seemed useless they haven't proved to be totally losses. I didn't hesitate to walk inside and I almost regretted it. There was loud music blasting and everyone was bunched together in large groups. They were all half drunk and laughing. Some were throwing their guts up or blacked out in a corner.

The bright ass RGB lights they had flickering was the worst fucking part. I could barely tell where the hell I was. I tried to get through the crowds of people and ended up shoving a few drunks off of me. And got to the kitchen, god it was even worse, people making out and drinks spilt making the floor sticky. I hate sticky floors..

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat