one bird with two stones

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As I walked back towards y/n I stared at the picture of her and her friend. She looked so happy.. so.. innocent. She looked so sweet and kind.. the opposite of me. I eyed my bandaged arm, knowing that she helped a homicidal maniac. I ruined her life for my own gain... but it's not like I haven't done that to someone before.

I've already put her through so much.. so suggesting she helps me with missions shouldn't be too much to ask for. I can start easy with her, then show her how to enjoy it as much as I do. She can't say no, I simply won't let her. It's for her own good, I mean.. She could get hurt if she refuses. I wouldn't be the one hurting her.

The damp ground squished underneath my feet as I started to approach the small camp we had made. I put the photograph in my pocket and hid any negative emotions. "I'm b-back.." I said quietly, sitting down next to y/n. I stared at her through my goggles, not really caring if I come off as creepier than usual.

"Finally.. I was starting to get a little worried..." y/n crossed her legs, looking at me concerned but relieved. "You don't n-need to worry a-about me.." I said, looking at the burning embers of the fire. "Well I obviously do" she said, gently poking at my bandaged arm. I chuckled quietly and tried to keep my focus on y/n. My chest felt like it was going to implode on itself. Not because of y/n, but because of Slenderman. I could feel it watching me from every angle now and the pressure made me feel too paranoid.

Y/n seemed to catch on easily, noticing that I was acting more weird than usual. "Are you good?" She asked, leaning forward slightly to see my face. My eyes were hidden by the reflection of fire on my goggles and my mouthguard made my expression unreadable. "Yeah.. I just f-feel a b-bit anxious... th-that's all.." I stuttered, biting down on my tounge slightly.

She stayed quiet for a minute before leaning back, "What happened in the forest...?" She asked. I adjusting my goggles onto my forehead, "I-i just thought I s-saw something.." I answered, rubbing my eyes. "Well what did ya see?" She asked, trying to pry the answer out of me. "Just a hallucination of.. um.. It" I said meekly, setting a hand on my bandaged arm.

Y/n stayed in a quiet shock for a moment before saying, "Why didn't you bring me with you?". Her expression changed to be more upset and worried than before.  "Why w-would I bring y-you...? T-that's could be d-dangerous..."  I muttered, "I wouldn't w-want you to g-get hurt.. I-I mean you already have n-nightmares and hallucinations.. I don't want t-to make it w-worse.."

"But it's Slenderman's fault that this is happening to me now!" She huffed, "I haven't even seen It yet.. so how am I going to know if I'm going insane or not!?". I thought for a minute before setting another log into the fire, "You already a-are insane.." I said, looking at her blankly, "You ran away f-from home with an axe murderer.. you're far from s-sane.."

"Well that'd different.. it was my only choice.." she said defensively, crossing here arms slightly. "No.. y-you could have gone s-somewhere else.." I said poking at the fire with a stick, "but you still stayed.. w-with me...."

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" Y/n asked, looking directly at me. Her staring at me made me feel even worse about what I was about to say...

"Because.. I.." I hesitated for a few moments, trying to word it without exploding, "I need you.." I said quietly. I put my arm around her back and pulled her closer to me. She tensed up slightly at the movement, "Need me for what?" She said, not too looking comfortable with my bold approach. "I dunno.." I said quietly, "I w-would have killed you by n-now if I wanted to t-though...same w-with S-Slenderman.."

Y/n's pov:

"What do you mean by that...? How would you know?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I didn't relax my body, even if he was trying to get me to be comfortable. Toby shrugged, "Just a-a hunch.. y'know?" He said looking at me with his dark eyes. "Huh?" I said, getting a gut feeling that he was hiding something.

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