alone with the thoughts i dread

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As soon as the two boys left towards the forest I called my roommate. It's the only thing I could think to do and I wasn't just going to wait here for that one guy to come back. Once the two were out of view I got up and headed to the side of the house. I searched through my contacts and called her. Holding the phone to my ear I hoped she would pick up.

My entire body shook with nerves from the whole situation. This isn't what I wanted to so when I said I needed a night out. The call went to voice mail so I redialed the number and called again. "Come on Allie..." I said as I sat against the house.

Though I am thankful that the one guy in all black helped me, I couldn't help but feel a bit terrified of him. He was a bit scary the way he acted even if it was a good thing that he did. She answered the call, "Y/n it's like two in the morning..." she answered in a sleepy voice. My voice trembled and I felt tears well up in my eyes, "C-can you come pick m-me up? Please.." I choked out.

Her voice went to immediate concern, "Woah, hey, sure.. what's going on?" She said, I could hear her get up and get her stuff. "I just.. I need to go h-home.." I shuddered, "I'm at Matt's party.." i said softly trying to compose myself.

"Alright I'll be there in like five minutes" she said gently. My roommate is going to college for nursing, and honestly I couldn't ask for a sweeter person to be my roommate. I didn't deserve her kindness, I barely contributed to the bills of the house eith my 9 to 5 job, and yet she works and goes to school.

"O-okay.. see you soon I guess.." I said softly before hanging up. I scooted towards the front of the house still staying out of sight. The minutes waiting for her felt like hours. I started to have a pang of guilt for waking her up so early in the morning. I was beginning to feel like is hold have just stayed until Eliza wanted to leave.

Though she left me to go get drinks and dance with a bunch of drunk guys, I couldn't help but envy her social life. I hugged my knees to my chest and felt a few tears leave my eyes. I should have just stayed home like I always did. I should have just stayed in bed and binge watched my favorite YouTube series until three a.m. That would have been a hundred times better than this. I didn't belong at this party at all.

A while passes and a car pulled up to the curb and my attention completely goes to it. It was Allie. I got up and ran over, squeezing my phone tightly in my hand. I quickly open the passenger side and quickly went inside and shut the door. I still had my tear stained face and I looked at her feeling worse than I did before. "I-i so sorry.." I stammered, gripping my phone even tighter.

Her face immediately saddened, "Don't be sorry..." she started to drive back home. I let out a small sob and sat back in my seat, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"What happened...?" She asked, turning down a different street. "Eliza left to go dance and have fun, and I decided to just sit alone. Then some frat boys tried t-to.." I tried to say it but I couldn't find the words to speak. The reality had just hit me like a rock. I started to sob heavily into my hands, wishing the whole thing never happened. Maybe if I were more social I could have went out and actually partied instead of just isolate myself like always.

Her face goes one to disbelief and sympathy, and she set one of her hands on my back. She drove down a few more roads after that and then pulled into the driveway. She parked the car and turned to me, "You should take off work tommorow..." she said with care in concern, "I mean that's.. traumatizing..what you went though..."

"I can't.. if I take another day off I'll get fired.. and I c-cant look for another job right now.." I said trying to steady my breathing and wiping my tears. "I'm sure... ill be.. fine.. it's over now.." I said still a bit shook up. I look down at my phone and had the feeling this wasn't going to be just alright.

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora