train tracks

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"Really?" I asked quietly, not completely believing her, "Are y-you sure you're n-not just s-scared of me?". She should have left by now, I knew that for a fact. She shouldn't be spending her time with a mad man. She should be running as far away as possible. But she didn't.

"I'm sure..." she answered quietly. Y/n looked at me without a faltering expression and I wanted to beleive her. She gave me the kindness I didn't deserve. For a just a moment I forgot who I was. I forgot that I was an manic axe murderer and proxy for an all powerful being. It was kind of... nice..

But... I couldn't bring myself to beleive this was right. I wanted to push her away to make sure she was safe. At the same time I wanted to stay with her everywhere. My selfish desire to keep her all to myself made me feel a bit guilty.

I slowly took my hand away from hers and stood up. I could still feel the warmth of her hand on mine. But I reminded myself not to get too attached. I took my hatchet from the floor and let it back in it's sheath.

Y/n sighed and stood up as well. "So where are we going?" She asked. She didn't look at me any different from before. Even after I had a manic episode a few moments ago, she was still here. It made me feel a little warmer inside. But I remained expressionless on the outside.

"I was j-just... going to look a-around in the w-woods for s-someone.." I replied quietly. I started to walk through the hall to an exit. Y/n stayed right next to me, keeping her attention on where we were going. "Wanna take one last look around the school before we go?" She suggested with a slight smile, "Ya know.. just for fun?"

I looked over at her with a twitch, "Sure..." I said as a smile started to creep onto my face. We started to look around the school again. Walking through the cafeteria, the library, the office, every single classroom. We looked at every detail, taking in the frozen moment in time. Lastly we got to the gymnasium, the air felt thin and stale.

Y/n and I looked at eachother, knowing something was different. The room felt heavy for some reason, but I couldn't tell exactly why. Cautiously we walked to the swimming pool, in agreement to avoid the storage closet. We peeked at the swimming pool expecting to see the murky gray water again. But what we saw was something so gut wrenching that we left tas soon as we saw it.

The pool's water was replaced with thick, dark red blood. The entire room smelt of rot and decay. We both quickly ran from the room and shut the door tightly behind us. "W-what the f-fuck.. was t-that..." I muttered to myself. Y/n looked at me, just as confused and grossed out. "I don't even know.. H-how is that even possible... that was so much..." she brushed her hand through her hair. "Ma-maybe it was a hallucination?" I suggested, wanting to just shrug it off. "Right we were both hallucinating the same thing?" She sighed, not looking back into the room.

I looked to the ground, brainstorming excuses for what the hell just happened. "Let's j-just get o-outta here..." I said as I grabbed Y/n's wrist and started to walk at a fast pace to the exit. She stumbled forward but soon followed without complaint. But soon after she took her wrist away but followed quickly beside me.

Y/n's pov:

I have a gut feeling this won't end well, even though it should. I made sure to stay close to Toby. It's crazy to think that my safest option is to stay with an active serial killer. But I guess it's better than going utterly insane.

As soon as we made it outside I was overwhelmed by the morning air. It was so quiet but at the same time I didn't mind it. The forest looked almost golden in the sunrise. I had forgot how nice the morning was.

Toby didn't look back, instead he started to walk quickly without looking back. It seemed like he didnt care how nice it was outside, he just wanted run away from that building. I made sure not to get too far behind and keep my pace close to his.

I wasn't sure if he was going to actually going to off someone or not. He seemed pretty damn serious about it. So I wouldn't doubt if he would actually do it.

Toby led me deeper and deeper into the woods and didn't say a single word to me. He would only occasionally twitch or mutter some gibberish under his breath. The uncomfortable silence was broken by a few loud thud in the distance, followed by screeching of metal. I caught up to Toby and looked at him rather concerned. "What was that?" I asked, looking in the direction of the noise.

Toby took a quick glance at me, "There's a small freight station not too far from here...". He grabbed one of his hatchets' handles a little tighter, "Why..? Are you scared of a few trains?". I could tell he had a mocking smirk under his mouth guard when he said that.

"Wha-? No!" I blurted and my facial expression twisted into a mote annoyed one. "That's.. That's ridiculous.. I'm not afraid of trains-" I assured. He hummed and continued to walk deeper onto the woods. It's almost like he enjoyed getting on my nerves.

He came to a sudden stop and looked at me, rather curiously, "Well wanna go see the tracks then?" He suggested, "Y'know.. to p-prove you re-really aren't a scaredy c-cat?"

"Toby I'm not afraid of trains" I said bluntly, holding the straps to my backpack. "I t-think you're l-lying..." he muttered with a chuckle. "Are you just trying to get a rise out of me? Because it's working.." I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn't really feel any sort of annoyance towards him, but it was funny to get reactions.

He twitched and put his hand over his heart as if it physically pain him to hear me say that. "Y/n.. I would n-never..." he said making a fake pout. I scoffed and shook my head, trying to hide a smirk from his antics.

"If I go see the damn train tracks will you stop whining about it?" I said, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Something sparked inside of Toby and his eyes lit up in a childish manner. "Wait r-really? Hell y-yeah!" He said, sheathing his hatchets.

I guess this was better than witnessing a murder... I mean what harm could a railroad do anyways?

He took my wrist again and started a brisk jog towards.. wherever he was taking me. I stumbled a bit but eventually started to match his pace. Something inside of me was excited to see what he was going to show me. But my better judgment had a wrong feeling about it.

Toby swooped around trees and through foliage before we mad either to a large clearing. A giant railroad track passed straight through the center of it. It looked rather old and worn and there were some railroad spikes missing. "Do um.. do trains usually use this track?" I asked him, not trusting it fully.

"Sometimes I th-think" he said, walking on the actual track. My eyes widen and I was about to pull him off but I refrained from touching him. "Toby don't walk on that" I said, keeping my distance from the tracks, like anyone else with a rational mind.

"Ha! See you a-are s-scared!" He pointed directly at me. He walked backwards in the middle of the track, keeping his hands in his pockets. "I'm not scared! What if a train came through here?! You'd be road kill!"

He shook his head, "Nuh uh" he said as he put his goggles on his forehead. "You're s-scared" he huffed.

"I am not! Toby!" I reached out to his arm about to pull him off the track. "You motherfu-" Before I could speak, he grabbed my hand and yanked me onto the track. "Gotcha" he chuckled as he let go of my wrist. "What the hell!? This is dangerous!" I shouted, even though we're were a couple of feet apart.

"Not as d-dangerous as h-hanging out with a mass m-murderer" he muttered. I hate to admit it but he was right. He could have easily killed me multiple times by now. But what was stopping him...? Wait.. oh no..

I huffed and glanced back at Toby, he kept walking on the tracks but I made sure not to move an inch. He looked back for a moment with confusion, "W-what? Is i-it something I s-said?" He asked, tilting his neck making it pop.

"No.. no it's fine.." I tried to shake the thought from my head. Oh shit.. He can't think of me that way.. right? Maybe I'm just overthinking it, maybe it's just my delusions... or maybe..

"C'mon... i-its a short w-walk to the f-freight station" he said, reaching put to grab my wrist again. But I quickly put them in my pockets, "Okay" I responded. He retracted his hand and shrugged before continuing to walk the tracks. I walked the tracks as well, lost in my own thoughts.

I didn't want to beleive Toby thought of me like that... but I knew it was the truth. Or at least I thought.

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Where stories live. Discover now