the forgotten school

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I continued to walk with y/n for a half an hour without exchanging a single word. I wondered if it was the scar that made her so quiet. Usually someone who is being taken to an unknown location would be trying to get as much information as possible. But I guess she thought of it as unnecessary...

Soon the good part is the town was merging with the not-so-nice part. I looked back to see y/n with an uneasy expression. I felt the need to keep her closer to me in this situation, too many people I couldn't seem to trust here. So, I held out my hand for her to take. I want her to trust me. I need her to trust me. She can't trust anybody else but me.

She looked into my eyes with an uneasy stare then took my hand. I could feel how tense she was. There was something blood curdiling around every corner here. I wasn't going to let her witness any of it. I was planning on getting a few things from my apartment and go to the abandoned village I had found a couple days ago. I wanted to be far away from it. Even if I did still take orders to kill people.

Which still had me concerned as to why I haven't gotten an order today. Usually that doesn't happen unless I'm severely injured or almost dead. And that's if I'm lucky.

I squeezed her hand slightly and crept thought the alleys for a shorter walk. I made sure to pull her close to me as we walked. She didnt hesitate to stay close to me, which was a good sign for me. It smelt like rotting food and other dead things mixed with a bunch of chemicals. The alley was dark with only a string of light that kept us in the right direction.

We slowly stepped though the alley making sure enough to bring unwanted attention. After enough twists and turns we made it to the door of my place. I unlocked it slowly and peeked inside, just in case, before opening it and bringing her inside with me.

Y/n's pov:

When we walked inside the sense of foreboding grew. It was very claustrophobic and dirty. But I wasn't suprised, I just hoped it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

I watched him gather a few clothes in a paper bag along with a little money. "What are you doing? I thought we were staying here.." I said quietly feeling scarebdof my own voice. He let out a little bit of sardonic laughter, "N-no way in hell are we staying here". He looked at me with unfeeling eyes, "I have somewhere else w-we will be staying for a while.."

He put a small box of matches in the bag along with lighter fluid. Then he grabbed a pocket knife off the crate on the floor and I couldn't help but take a step back. He was about to put the knife in his pocket before he looked up to meet my gaze. "Don't t-tell me you're still scared of m-me..." Toby said in a low and cold voice. I stayed quiet not wanting to admit to my own worries.

He took off his mask for a moment revealing the scar once more. But this time the ends of his mouth curled up with a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes. It was enough to send shivers down my entire being. "I already told you y/n... I'm not gonna hurt you..." Toby repeated. It made me feel uneasy the way he spoke that last part. Toby put a hand on my shoulder with the same empty smile, "I promise.."

Toby slowly let go of my shoulder and I felt the air around me grow cold. Something has changed... Toby has changed in what had seemed like a feel seconds. He was acting different and I could tell, or.. maybe this was the real Toby..?

Toby held the bag in his hand and didn't break eye contact. "A-Are you ready to go?" He said half heartedly. I look at him feeling a little on edge. Toby twitched and his head jerked to the side. "Yeah.." I said quietly, letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

He stared at me for a few long seconds before holding open the door. I went out and he follow straight behind me, closing the door. I tried to shove the uneasy feeling away but it was lining for attention. It only got worse as Toby slowly slid his hand to grap mine. He held my hand gently, but it felt cold and threatening. I felt a chill crawl down my spine, but before I could pull my hand away he was already walking.

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Where stories live. Discover now