Andi had put me in a diaper before we left the house, I hated it but it was hard to deny it's necessity. I didn't want anyone but Andi helping me change, and a pull-up wouldn't hold much. Andi told me it wasn't noticeable but I doubted that.

We arrived at a door and Andi knocked. It was instantly opened by Tom and he eagerly invited us both in.
"Hey guys! Come on in"
I shook off Andi's hand and headed in. Then quickly performed a scan of the hall before me. Nothing conclusive, just a basic looking hall. I'd need to investigate further to deem whether or not I liked toms apartment.

Tom and Andi however stayed at the door chatting. Andi handed over the duffle bag.
"This has pretty much half our belongings stowed, should you need them"
Tom laughed and set the bag down
"Well thank you, it's always good to be prepared. Jamie, how're you doing buddy?"

I turned back to him and acted as though there wasn't a bubbly hole of anxiety in my tummy, shrugging.
It was a bit awkward as tom nodded, giving me a sad sympathetic look that I was definitely not a fan of. Andi tried to get us back on track.

"The woman from social services is gonna be coming around soon so I can't stay long. I can't imagine it's gonna go on longer than 3 hours. Jamie may take a nap, they usually get tired at 1. It's alright if they don't though"
"Are the nightmares still-"
Andi nodded solemnly
"Yeah, but more so at night. Naps are usually fine"

I blushed and tried to zone out of the conversation, given they were talking about me and my more embarrassing tendencies. I'd accepted by this point that I was more 'being looked after' than 'hanging out with' Tom.

So I decided to do something far more worth my time, exploring Tom's apartment. I walked further in without explaining myself. Andi and Tom didn't stop me, just giving a "go ahead Jam".

I went straight into Tom's kitchen, opening up any cabinets I could reach and thoroughly inspecting.

Andi and tom talked on in the hall.
"How're you feeling about the whole inspection/interview thing?"
"Ah alright, pretty confident it'll go well"
"I'm sure it will, and don't even worry about Jam. I've got plenty of fun stuff for us to do while hiding from your social worker"
Andi chuckled
"Yeah, it's gonna be alot of personal questions that Jamie wants to be nowhere near, ain't that right jam?!"
He called out to me.

I yelled back to Andi from the kitchen
They both laughed, following after me. Tom began shutting all the cabinet doors I left open.

"You know Tom, whatever you've got planned I can guarantee its safer than Jamies original plan"
Tom looked at me, intrigued. I glared at Andi and he smirked back at me before going on with the story. I hid my face in my hands.

"That I'd just drop them off at park for a couple of hours. Then try find them after a while"
I defended my perfectly good idea
"I'd be fine!"
"No, you'd get lost in the woods and turn into a wild child that'd only eat worms and grubs and beetles. Then I'd have to start putting them into our dinners to keep you satisfied"
I started to giggle. Andi walked over to me and I gave him a few pushes
"That's gross Andi!"
He messed up my hair.
"Hence why you're hanging out with Tom instead"

Tom gave me two thumbs up with a big dumb smile. I managed a smile back at him but it fell once Andi got down on his hunkers in front me. Before he could even start I involuntarily whimpered, knowing what was coming.

"Bambi, I have to go now. You be good for Tom and I'll be back soon"
He held out his hands as an offer for a hug and I nodded. So he gave me quick one, squeezing me right as he said
"Have fun honey"
He was about to let go but I held on a little longer, adding.
"Don't take too long"
"Oh I won't bambi"

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now