✧14. Hearken- Back✧

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Author's P.O.V.:-

At Yoongi's Mansion...

Two days have passed by since Yoongi took Hoseok to the restaurant and talked with Woozi. They both were on good terms kissing three times a day, eating together, going and coming home together just like a married couple.

It was Saturday and the last day of their deal. Strangely enough, Hoseok didn't want to end it cause the warmth he felt within just a week can't be compared to those awful days he spent in his past five years.

His feelings grew more and more making his heart do summersaults just by seeing Yoongi in front of him and when they kiss... it was like seventh heaven for him.

Hoseok washed the dishes and headed towards their shared bedroom with his heart thumping continuously as he took a step further towards the room.

The morning kisses after their breakfast was breathtaking and afternoon kisses in the office hiding from everyone were nerve-wracking for Hoseok but the long night kisses on the bed were just...ultimate,

The epitome of all the kisses they shared, his mind would go blank and all he could do was take what Yoongi was giving to him it was like he was feeling rapturous.

It was so sensual and arousing for both of them and made it so hard for them to be apart from each other after every kiss.

Yoongi was also excited about the kiss and was waiting for Hoseok when he got a call from his secretary Hyungwon, "Sir, did you hear this?"

"What should I hear?" Yoongi asked with a bored voice cause his friend was such a gossiper that whenever he would hear some news he would call and pester him to talk about it.

"I was so impressed by Hoseok-shi today," Hyungwon stated.

Yoongi frowned, "And why is that?"

"Remember we both went to that tough sponsor who always refused to work with us. His secretary called just now telling me that they accept our proposal and would like to talk about more on Monday," Hyungwon's voice was cheerful.

"Oh," Yoongi replied shortly.

"What do you mean by just, 'oh'? You should be Woooooooooooowww!! Hoseok-shi talked with the sponsor in such a way that if I was the sponsor I would have been convinced too and also he even made the sponsor's grumpy daughter all smileys."

Yoongi's frown deepened as heard the last sentence, but he didn't say anything.

"You know that sponsor might make Hoseok-shi his son-in-law at this rate," Hyungwon laughed.

"What did you say?" Yoongi's eyes darkened as he gritted his teeth.

"Yes, no one knew that the sponsor's daughter was mute but Hoseok-shi got to know it somehow and talked with her in the sign language impressing both the father and daughter at the same time. You know they talked for an hour straight with those signs and they even exchanged numbers. Really, Hoseok-shi is something else, he would become the son-in-law of that rich sponsor and can live carefree. I wanted to tell you about this right after, but I had another meeting," Hyungwon explained.

When he was about to talk more Yoongi heard the knock on his door, "Let's talk later," and he cut the call.

He was furious for some reason he doesn't know hearing that Hoseok flirted with some mute girl and they exchanged numbers and how his friend said that Younger would become the sponsor's son-in-law.

Hoseok entered the room looking all shy as he walked closer to the elder without noticing that Yoongi was digging holes through his eyes.

"You have some nerve," Yoongi's voice was filled with disdain.

"UGH!!!" ♡A SOPE ANGST♡✔️Where stories live. Discover now