✧15. The Veiled Pasts✧

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Author's P.O.V.:-

Beomgyu was devasted after learning about his disease. He was walking on the road cluelessly as tears were running down his cheeks but he wasn't wiping them off,

>>>Why me...just why...now I will become just like he wanted me to be... it's always like this...

Just then his phone started ringing, he didn't want to answer it but when he saw the caller ID, without him knowing he received the call.

"Choi Beomgyu, come to my mansion. I will send you the address," Namjoon instructed.

Before Beomgyu could reply the call was hung up. He didn't know what happened but his maths Professor sounded angry.


Namjoon sent the location of his mansion through a message. Beomgyu sighed and waved his hand to hire a taxi. He got inside the cab and told the address to the driver.

Soon after thirty minutes of traveling Beomgyu was dropped in front of a huge mansion which was on the outskirts surrounded by the woods.

He rang the bell and waited. A person in his sixties wearing a black suit opened the gate for him and guided him inside the mansion.

Namjoon was looking through some documents on the couch in the hall. Beomgyu walked towards him, "Sir."

Namjoon put away the documents and looked at Beomgyu with disdainful eyes as he remembered what the principal told and shown him.


Namjoon was tidying up his table to leave home when he heard a knock on his door, "Come in."

To his surprise, it was the principal of Seoul University and also Beomgyu's uncle.

"Did something happen, sir?" Namjoon tried to recollect if anything happened for the principal to come find him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk about my nephew as I got to know he is listening to you well these days," the principal sat down on the chair facing him, "I didn't have much hope when you came to me asking for my permission to discipline him. But to think he is listening to you and is changing is making me happy."

"He didn't change that much there is a long way to go and he doesn't seem to have any talent in maths. Did he do something for you to come find me like this, sir?" Namjoon raised his left eyebrow.

"Let me ask you one thing, how much do you know about him, Namjoon-shi?" The principal asked.

Namjoon frowned upon hearing the question, "I know that he is your nephew and has been a troublemaker utilizing your power causing problems for all the professors in the university."

Well, it wasn't true though after deciding that he would focus on Beomgyu to change him into a model student he sent his sources to gather information about him.

And what he got to know was that Beomgyu's parents live abroad due to business. He lives in the dorms with his friends.

The most important information was that Beomgyu wasn't always a troublemaker. He used to be a top student in his high school. But suddenly after getting into the university, he changed his major and then started behaving like a mischief-maker.

He found it odd but thought it was common for students at that age to go through puberty and that he just had to revert to Beomgyu's behavior.

The principal then sighed, "That boy is not only a roughneck. He also sluts around."

Namjoon's frown deepened as he heard that, "What do you mean, sir?"

"Just as you heard. His parents work hard and send money to him and this boy goes to all sorts of clubs, and parties like there is no tomorrow, and sleeps with anyone and everyone. There are so many videos of him getting screwed. If not for me, the news would have reached the media and the Choi's family name would have been sullied."

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