2. Totally rat-ical

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The silence was loud, loud like a constant buzz in their ears. The three of them were sitting at that table, in the middle of a small apartment, despite the cleaning its owner had done before their visit, it still seemed decaying. It was like visiting an old person's place, an energy freezed in time as it refused to see the present. 

Heterochromic eyes turned to Ghost, it was so intriguing for him, to see how they were holding themself, how they had a constant way to hide a bit of face with their hands and trying to make it seem natural. It was strange, to see them without any piercing, any particular piece of clothing, Ghost looked washed off, the bland version of themself. 

Tinea had asked. 

" Did she say something ? " 

Seeing them take it all off in the morning, they wouldn't answer, tired eyes focused on their reflection.
Of course she had, Tinea thought but he knew nothing. But his blood was boiling already. 

Antony was glancing over to his boyfriend, occasionally to Ghost. It was uncomfortable to be here, feeling like he had to control it. Because, they had specifically asked them to. 

" Please, just don't embarrass me. " 
Ghost had pleaded on the way, looking at the bug directly. Because they knew, from the three disasters they were, Antony was the only stable one. 

Coming from them, it was exceptionally not mean, it was desperate and that fact already stabbed Tony's little heart. 

None of them came from a good home, each of them was feeling exactly what it was like. 

To be hurt and having to maintain a facade of a relationship. Because that's apparently what everyone expects from you. 

Who is everyone ? 

The distant family ? The neighbors ? The irrepressible thought that you'd be nothing but a disappointment, ingrained in your brain so deep that you can't figure out where it comes from ? 

They knew it, oh so well.

And Antony and Ghost knew Tinea was the one that always destroyed it. 

It had been Antony's salvation but Ghost feared it would be their end. 

She came back from the kitchen, holding a red cooking pot with vapor escaping the sides, delivering it on the table. The silence broke, as they reinstalled themselves in their seats. 

" Woah, whole dish, eh ? " Tony said, fake as he always could pull out. Years of trying to please everyone. 

It worked to be so warm naturally as she gave him a smile. 

" You shouldn't have … " Ghost commented with avoidance. 

" I'm not an old lady, I can still cook for my son and his friends. It's been so long since I've had someone over too. " 

Kassandra Kamenski, she seemed in her fifties, they couldn't be sure as she never shared that information. Long blond hair that was starting to grow white as the years passed by and particularly mesmerizing light blue eyes. Almost disturbing how clear they were. 

The woman grabbed the ladle, serving each one of them before sitting down, not even serving herself but no one commented on it. 

" How has your time been in France, Val' ? " She asked, almost enthusiastically. 

" Well… You know, uhm… " Ghost seemed a bit lost, glancing between everyone at the table. " … Fine, it's been fine. " 

" Oh come on, you know fine is not an answer, tell me what you've been up to. Like how did you meet- " She gestured vaguely at the other two. 

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