2. Good salty soup

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Tinea is looking through every corner, contemplating the decaying state of the hotel room they had to stay in. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either, he kept repeating over and over again. He'd state he had prettier vacations and Ghost's mind kept yelling that it was not even close to a relaxing holiday. The trio had to cut on the budget anyway.

They kept looking out of the window, down to alleys as if anything could jump out of the dark. Antony had to witness the both of them going absolutely manic, his boyfriend already cleaning the sink with whatever product he had brought and the other one looking every corner suspiciously. 

" Maybe we should go find somewhere to eat tonight- " He suggested, Ghost turning around immediatly. 

" No, no. You two stay here, you go to the hotel's restaurant, you live here. You do not move out. This is your jail. Make it like it's not allowed to go out, because it is not. " They rambled and kept rambling until a wet towel hit their head. 

" I'm not eating there, I want my poop to be strong and healthy. " Tinea affirmed, already putting his shoes back on. 

Ghost had to watch as everyone was deliberately ignoring the orders of the only one that knew anything about the country. 

Obviously, they had to follow the two boys down the corridors. 

" By the way, Ghost, I hope your secret is that you're super rich and were just testing my loyalty. I'm still standing, are you rich ? Please please please please- " 

" You find yourself loyal ? " They taunted, adjusting their cloak over their shoulders. 

" What why ? Because I have a boyfriend ? We can share, you share the money, I share the boy. " 

The bug side eyed him, the look of a million interrogation points over his face. 

" Really… I should start playing the lottery then. " They mumbled, lighting a cigarette up as soon as the fresh air hit their skin. 

The streets weren't busy at all at this hour with only a few people passing by, way more chill than Paris both in atmosphere and temperature. Freezing cold like they were back in that winter period they were so happy to leave. 

Ghost gazed as the other two were discussing where to eat, mentioning the few snacks the boys had seen on the way. They would not take part in the conversation, no one seemed to listen anyway, they were too busy keeping their guard up anyway. 

The trio ended up in a small restaurant down the street, they sat at a table against Ghost's protest to take it back to the hotel room. Tinea looked enthousiastically at the menu, asking at each plate "what's that ?" to which his friend had to mumble a quick description. 

The boys weren't so oblivious to the other's dismay, obviously something was keeping them anxious, Tinea and Antony just wanted to make it more enjoyable, despite how clueless they had to be. 

" Why don't you choose for us ? " Antony declared, noticing Ghost was slowly losing their mind every time his boyfriend would ask. 

" Yeah, it's your city afterall. " Tinea puts the sheet down. 

They exhaled from their nose, taking a second to meditate on the thought. Perfect timing as the waiter arrived, Ghost ordered, leaving it as a surprise. 

The plates quickly followed and the diner started with excitement. 

" Tasty, what is it ? " Tinea asked, looking at the velvet colored soup. 

" Bortsch, I don't really like it but I thought you could give it a go. It's very russian. " Ghost explained, pointing at his second plate. " And before you ask that's some pielmienis, pork because you don't like beef. They also make those with bears. " 

He blinked. 

" What do you mean 'bears' ? " 

" Bear meat. " 

" … That's a whole predator- " 

" Hm- What mine called ? " Antony asked between a few bites as he was demolishing it, way too hungry after the train's poor food. 

" Stroganoff beef, I almost took some for me too. " 

" Oh, my mom used to cook that, I remember it's pretty good. " Tinea said. 

" I thought you didn't like beef ? " They were almost offended, as if it was personnal. 

" I don't. EXCEPT, when it's like cooked really soft. Like Goulasch ? So good. " 

" ... Fair. " 

The discussion went on and on, Ghost finally relaxing as their mind was occupied with diner and sharing random facts. 

Soon enough, they were satisfied, their stomach full and heading back to the hotel as the night felt a little bit warmer together. 

" I can't wait to see if the bed is horrible or not. " Tinea yawned. 

" It's better than the train's. " Tony said as he had all the time earlier to test the sheets. 

The bug went to open the entrance's door, holding it for the other two but only Tinea went in. As brown eyes gazed at them in confusion, they felt the need to explain. 

" I'm gonna smoke a last one real quick. " They said. 

" It's a been a lot. " Tony stated, feeling as if he had just said an insult as Ghost glared back. 

" Don't stay out too late. " Tinea threw to them, grabbing his boyfriend on the way as the door closed. " Never guilt a smoker. " 

" It's just more than I'm used seeing them smoke … " Tony stated, his tone almost worried. 

" Yeah, probably. " Tinea glanced back at him. " … I don't find it surprising in that context. " 

Antony stopped, frowning in concern. 

" What's the context ? " He asked, clearly anxious about everything that was hidden to them. 

Tinea shrugged, getting back to him to smooch his cheek, he then went past him, tracing back their steps through the corridor to take a look back at the glassed door. 

" Pff. " He snorted. " I knew it. " 

" They left ? " 

" Yeah. " 

They both exchanged a glance. 

" What's the plan ? " Tony asked.

Tinea smirked.

" An evil one. " 

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