1. Dad should stay home

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10 months ago

Heterochromic eyes are gazing through the window of the office, where the early sun of February shines through. Sean has been sitting there for a while, holding a pack of ice against his cheek. He sighs, tired of always ending up here.

Suddenly his fox ears catch some agitation behind the door, before his father barges in followed closely by the director. While still scolding the old man, Aiden catches his son's face in his hands, covering him in smooches. 

" Since how long has this been going on ?! And you dare to take my Sean out of classes !! " The fox complains, expression closed in a firm anger, until he shifts completely, turning his attention to Sean. " Baby are you hurt ? Are you okay ? Who did it ? Do you know what their parents look like ? " 

" Mister Grey, please… " The man flinches a bit, deadly glare being the only answer. " I agree with you, it's been going on for too long and I think it would be better if… You, uhm… You'd consider taking Sean out of school… " 

The slow head turn from the blonde contributed to the director's sudden feeling of insecurity, as he tried to argue the advantages of homeschooling. 

" … So MY son… has to leave the education system because people like YOU are incapable of giving consequences to actual bullies ?! He is the one who gets punished ?!- " 

Aiden was ready to start a whole drama, something he would usually not bother with but as soon as a tip of injustice shows up, he is unstoppable. 

Until Sean grabs onto his shirt, pulling a little for attention.

" Papa, can we just go home ? … " 

And never ever could he resist any demands from those puppy eyes, especially with how deep their sadness would hit.
The fox took a second to breath, trying to appease himself before lifting up Sean. 

While leaving the room, he pointed at the old man with his finger, as a threat that it wasn't over. 

When the door closed, he had to put his son down, always forgetting he was not a baby to be held like this anymore. The pup was satisfied with the little journey, showing himself the way out under the upset look of his dad. 

" Sean… " 

Little one kept walking, accepting of his faith and maybe deep down, secretly hoping he wouldn't have to come back. As much as Aiden was adamant to let him there, it was just an hell of everyday. 
Homeschooling could be the way. 

Yet his father kept fearing, wondering how he could ever make friends, hoping Sean wouldn't end up as the same fearful antisocial Aiden had to be. 

He followed him, through the corridors, students listening to their teachers behind closed doors. Sean's head fell low, as he did not notice walking past someone he knew well. 
But Aiden didn't miss this one teacher, leaning against a wall, coffee in hand, probably the fifteenth one this morning. He had already seen him, heard of him, Slater the french teacher. The fox always felt curious about those eight long legs, never looking too much as to not seem rude. 

Right now he was more curious about the insistent eyes he had over his son, in fact, Ezekiel didn't notice his father even being there. 

" Sean, what are you doing h- … " 

The spider's head turned towards Aiden, as the pieces of the puzzle started to make sense. 

" Ah, issues again. Who was it this time ? " 

The fox witnessed, with all surprise, his pup moving back towards Ezekiel, as the tall man lowered himself to be on equal foot. 

" It's one of the older kid, I don't know him, he just looks ugly... " 

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