3. On a next day

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The fries crisped under his teeths, blue eyes resting on the kid's menu he was stealing from. Aiden's appetite was nonexistent, yet seeing everyone else eat made him feel lonely, Asshu giving him a dirty look as if he had committed a crime. He simply stuck out his tongue to her, grabbing another one of her fries. 

His fox ears were barely picking on the few words the table was exchanging, eyelids feeling heavy. His gaze fell on the man in front of him, brown strands of hair framing his focused yet playful expression, trying to assemble that kid toy for his son. 

" There. " Buck said with a warm voice, giving the cheap amusement to a very excited Maeki. 

The lemur jumped on his feet, pulling on a distressed Sean to drag the both of them into the fast food's playground. 
The adults chuckled at the little fox's demise as Asshu sat proudly at the table, finishing her plate. 

Aiden's attention fell back on two green eyes staring at him, caught in the act as Bucky tried to look away quickly. Appearing innocent. 
He couldn't help the little smile drawing itself on his lips but he also noticed his daughter, side eyeing the both of them. 

The fox faked a cough, to try and shake some words out of himself. 

" So.. Uhm, Bucky ? " 

He started, being immediately interrupted by the man's full attention, as he looked back at him with big attentive eyes and warm smile. 

" Kh- I … I mean, how are you ? " He asked awkwardly. 

" Just fine, happy to be here. What about you ? " 

The fox had to take a second to think what was possibly going wrong in his brain, acting as if he had never spoken to Bucky before. 

" I'm fine too… " 

He fell silent, cupping his drink in his hand to distract himself.

Asshu left out a loud snort. 

" Oh wow. " She whined, sarcastically ready to laugh more about it until she heard the low growl coming from her frowning father. 

Bucky's eyes illuminated with a vicious spark, he leaned towards her. 

" You know, when I met your dad he was even worse at talking than this. " He taunted, not missing to throw a provocative glance at Aiden. 

" I'm not- Don't you mock me in front of my daughter. When I met you, you had the worst haircut, you don't see me brag about it. " 

Buck left out a legit offended gasp. 

" What was wrong with my haircut ?! " 

" The same thing that's wrong with your beard now… " Aiden affirmed, leaning in his seat proudly as Asshu chuckled. 

" See, you need to have something to talk back to. You can't just be nice, it's not natural for you. " The man answered, taking a sip.

" Maybe. " He answered, also drinking his gaze falling on his phone, catching a glimpse of the time. "Oh, we should bring you back Ash'. " 

The young girl groaned, taking a time to notice the fact he only mentioned her. 

" Why just me ? " She whined. 

" Asshu. " Aiden said as a warning, starting to clean the table as Buck simply followed the lead. 

After catching back the boys, they all climbed inside the car and while the fox was ready to leave, his attention got caught by his daughter.

" It's not fair ! " She pushed herself through the front seats. " Why does Sean not need to go ? " 

Aiden sighed, the man next to him showing an interrogative face. 

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