Edward and Bella find out there having a baby.

Start from the beginning

"I don't either but you are." He told me. "Edward do you realize our baby is a miracle after that's all that's happened to me and you." I told him. "I really never thought of it that way but you're right, it is our little miracle. It's kinda of funny, because before you're doctor told me, your dad said something about how fate plays out." he told me. "My dad said that to you?" I asked him. "Yeah. We lose people close to us and fate gives another to love just as much or more if you think about. As much as everything change I know of one thing. That is you Bella Swan you are my life, and I would not change that for anything. Now I just want to be that man you fell in love with. So we can take care of our child go camping and it's mother can teach it how to be a monkey of course." I started to giggle.

I looked into his eyes and the bright green was starting to come back. "I got a question because I don't know if I dreamed it or not. But did you actually shoot a panther and tell me you climbed trees to get to me." He chuckled. "Yes, it all happen and I still can't believe I climbed the damn trees damn it!" He buried his face laughing at himself. "Well I do believe I have my Edward back." I started to laugh. I grabbed my stomach. "Ok! That hurts." I said. "Make you say that?" He asked me. "The bright green is coming back into your eyes, you called me monkey. But when I knew the most is when you said my Bella!" He gasp.

I placed my hand on the side of his face. Tears started to fall and he grabbed my hand and held it. "You heard me baby, you really heard me." Edward got up and sat on the edge of the bed and took both his hands and placed them on both sides of my face and softly pressed his lips to mine. He traced his tongue over my lips and I granted him permission as he did me. We were interrupt by my father clearly his throat. "If you please to at least wait until my daughter recovers and I am not in the room please." Edward buried his face into my chest laughing. I tried not to laugh but it was hard not to.

It's a month later and I'm finally back at home. I was four months pregnant now. I'm still on bed rest and I'm going crazy. I want so bad to get out of this bed. Edward been at school all week. The servants are driving me nuts. "Ms. Swan would you like anything else?" The maid asked me. I picked up the vase and threw it. "Yeah for you to get the hell out and not to come back in here!" She ran out the door. Then my dad walked in. "Don't even start with me dad I warn you."

"Aren't we getting touchy lately!" He said. "Well you be stuck in a damn bed for over a damn month and see how you feel and if another maid or butler comes in here I'm going to get out of this bed personally kick their ass out!" I told my dad. "Bells calm down!" He told me. "No, just get out dad, if you're going to tell me to let them wait on me hand and foot get the hell out now. I can't stand it no longer." I snapped. "Bells it's only so you can get better." I got up and went to the door and open it. "Bells please get in bed." I pointed out the door. "OUT, NOW!" He finally walked out and I slammed the door and locked it.

"UGH! I can't take too much more I wish Edward was here." I went back and unlocked the door. I shut all the lights off and went on the other side of the bed and sat on the floor with my knees pulled up to me. I knew Edward wouldn't be home for two more days. But this was getting to hard. I started crying and laid down on the floor just missing Edward. I laid there for hours. I heard the door open and then close. I thought maybe if I just stayed here they would just walk back out and leave me alone. Then I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked up and it was Edward. "What are you doing here? You're not suppose to be here until tomorrow."

"Well it would seem I got a phone call from your dad saying you kicked out all the servants and him. What's going on Bella?" He asked me."What do you thinks going on Edward?" I asked. "Let's see, if I know you and your to the point you had it with being waited on by the servants and your not lying in the bed, so that would mean your getting sick of being cooped up." He says. "Bingo! I hate it Edward. You're not here, no one to talk to always looking at these stupid walls." I told him. "Come here." Edward moved his arm so I could sit on his lap. I leaned against his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. "Let's say I sneak you out of the house tomorrow and me you can spend the day together just me and you. But you gotta promise me you won't over do it." I sit up and look at him. "Really, you're not just saying this to make me happy or distract me."

"No Bella. I'm agreeing with you. You need to get out of here. It's stressing you out and it's not good on you or our baby." He told me. "Then I promise I won't over do it then. I'm glad you're here, I missed you." I leaned back against him. He buried his face into my hair. "I missed you too. What would you also say to me taking a week of school so I can wait on you and cook for you?" He asked. "You do that for me?" I asked. "Yeah, beside from what I'm hearing you're not eating well." He told me. "I was hoping you wouldn't hear about that." I told him. "Alright what gives. I know something wrong when you say that."

"Please don't be mad. But I can't keep down their food very well." I told him. "Bella, why haven't you called me I would of come home sooner?" He asked me. "Because I didn't want to worry you." I told him. "Well that made my decision final. I was going to talked to you about it first though but I can't handle you being like this and we both can't handle being apart from each other." He told me. I sit back up and look at him confused. "Talk to me about what?" I asked. "Well I was going to take you to look at a place near the school tomorrow. Now hear me out first. You still have tutorials and there be security. We only have a maid for cleaning only but I was thinking about a house of our own until we graduated this year and this way I can cook for you and I know you won't get sick." He chuckles. A smile grows on my face. "And I can see everyone more often?"

"Hey, let's limit the more often here, I still like the idea of having you to myself Ms. Swan, plus you still don't need to over do yourself but yes." I wrapped my arms around Edward. "Yes, yes, yes let's do it." I told him. "Then were getting our own house then and I can take care of you and our unborn child?" He asked me. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I told him.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

ARRANGE MARRIAGE THE SCHOOL YEAR Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now