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Nickels pov

I throw my sandwich plate in the sink and walk upstairs with balloon by my side. Ever since this morning I've been getting this funny feeling in my stomach, and I just know it's the nervousness of what I'm about to do today. I tried thinking through my lines last night, but I only ended up flusteredly cuddling closer to a sleeping balloon. I even kissed him on the forehead once, because I couldn't help it. Which i have to admit, is the best thing i've ever felt.

"OJ literally makes the best grilled cheese" balloon says, starting a conversation. I nod in agreement as he opens the door and walks inside.

"It's always so good" I reply. 

"Say, what makes a sandwich it's best?" Balloon wonders. We fall into a deep conversation and start talking about fillings, spices and bread types, and end up in a debate on whether pan-seared or toasted bread is better.

"Pan-seared bread has got that authentic flavour though!" Balloon says.

"But if you toast the bread you get the crisp texture on both sides!" I argue back.

"You can't put butter in a toaster with the bread, but you can put it in a pan!"

"You can put the butter on after though! And you can put it on both sides, unlike your idea!"

"What's the point of tha-" balloon starts, before being interrupted by my ringtone. I look at it confused, because I have no idea who's calling. I pick up the phone and baseball's voice comes out of the speaker. 

"Hey, I'm outside if you're ready," he says. 

"uUuuUhhh for wha- oh yeah sure, I'll be down in a second" I say, suddenly remembering my thing. I hang up and look at balloon, who is on his phone as well.

"I'm going out for a bit" I say.

"Oh yeah sure, go ahead" he says. I start to walk out but I realise, I haven't even invited him yet.

"Oh, and one more thing" I say, turning around to face him again.

"Yeah?" I hesitate before saying the next line, slightly unsure if I am ready or not. But I blurt it out anyway.

"Could you meet me in the orchard garden house at 4pm today?" I say. The nervousness was evident in my voice.

"Sure!" He says, smiling brightly. That smile I think about every sleepless night. I say goodbye and leave the room, heading downstairs.

Ok nickel, you've invited him. You HAVE to do the confession now.

It'll be fine.

I hope so.

Baseball pov

"Now, don't give him a clue that you know about anyone confessing, alright?" I explain to suitcase. She nods her head while jumping around fired up. She came along to get balloon ready for the confession, but by how hyper she is, I think I might have to tell her twice to not spill the beans.

Nickel slowly emerges from behind the hotel door, smiling when he sees me. 

"Heyy" he waves, walking towards suitcase and I. He does a double take at suitcase.

"Wait, why are you here?" He asks.

"Why can't I be?" She replies, trying to mask her excitement. 

"Are you coming with us?" He says. Suitcase shakes her head no and runs into the hotel.

"She's just visiting balloon" I explain. Nickel nods and looks at the time, before signalling to follow him.

"So.. How'd you get to know this place?" I ask curiously. Nickel starts explaining how it all started with OJ needing strawberries and balloon introducing him to the orchard, and how balloon and suitcase and a few others got a hold of the property. They collected the fruits from there and they were delicious, and how there were so many flowers and butterflies. He has never been this engaged talking about... ANYTHING really, so it gets me excited to see this place in real life.

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