Neat advice

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K I've mostly recovered from that III episode

Enjoy this chapter!


Nickels pov

Soap looks at me with a dirty look (k n e e s l a p), but surprisingly, she lets me inside her room. I'm not sure if I can sit down anywhere, because she's probably going to spray me down with sanitizer or something first. But she tells me to sit down on a stool on the far end of the room. Still crazy over cleaning I guess.

"So... why are you here?"

No messing around, I'll just get straight to it.

"I need advice..."

"Wow, you need advice? Who are you and what did you do with the real nickel?" She jokes in a serious voice. One which you can't tell she's joking.

I hesitate before talking again

"I need advice on... balloon"

"Balloon? What, are you going to ask me how to kill him? I'm not gonna clean the scene for you"

"W-what? NO OF COURSE NOT!" I shout.

"Actually I..." I continue, but I'm not sure if I can finish the sentence.

"C'mon, spit it out, n-not literally though, thanks" soap says impatiently.



"C'mon nickel, rip off the bandaid"


I pause to catch my breath. As I look up, I see soap looking like she just saw a ghost, but then she starts smiling widely and getting really excited.


"SHHHH don't say it out loud!" I say, looking at the door to make sure it was closed fully.

"I can't believe it, you actually like him! We can get the hype back up in the hotel! Nickbal, balkel, NO WAIT- NICKLOON! *le gasp* IT'S PERFECT!!!" 

"SOAP SHUSH PLEASE. DON'T MAKE THIS ALL LOVEY DOVEY" I say, genuinely terrified if balloon hears.

"Sorry, sorry, wow, this somehow completely changes how I look at you"

"Pleasee.. can we move onto the advice now?" I say annoyed.

Soap thinks for a while

"Well first, don't push away your feelings. I reckon you're trying to, knowing that you've hated him for a long time now. Second, don't change yourself for him to like you back. If he finds out you're faking a personality around him, it'll only make him more upset and hard to trust you. Third, don't talk about things that make him upset or things he's sensitive to. Of course, this is 100% gonna make him hate you. Remember the stuff he likes and use them to cheer him up when he's down. Any questions?"

"How do I... confess"

"Damn, you must've liked him for a while now if you want to confess. Well, confess when you're completely comfortable with him. Don't push yourself to confess at a certain time when you're not ready, it'll only make things worse. Do it when he's happy, so there would be a lower chance of rejection. Like, for example, bring him to his happy place, which I think is the forest, but you know better-"

Yeah.. not the forest

"-and finally, don't make it too fancy or cool to the point he might get uncomfortable. For obvious reasons."

I pause, taking in all the information

"Wow soap, you're really good at this. That's some neat advice" (k n e e s l a p)

Wait- how did cheesy hear that...

"Thanks! If you have any other questions, let me know" she says warmly. I'm glad I feel comfortable talking to another past enemy-ish now.

"I'm going to go now, I don't have anything on my mind to ask yet, but I will if I come up to something"

"K, have a good day" she says.

As I exit her room, I hear quick footsteps running down the stairs. I don't think much of it and return to my room.

Fans pov 

I can't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. The Nickloon myths and stories (thanks for the name soap) have become TRUE. I run away from soap's door, carefully handling the clear listening device that I may have taken from test tubes lab without asking. But that doesn't matter! I heard the entire confession, and now I know nickel really does like balloon! I arrive at my room and spot paintbrush inside, busy talking to someone. 

"Do you know where he went? I think he took one of my inventions with him" said someone.

I recognize that voice...

Paintbrush turns around, revealing test tube in front of them. "Oh, there he is" says paintbrush.

"Testy!" I say, running towards her. I give her a hug and she kisses me on my head. Paintbrush looks at us with a slight smile. Test tube notices and says "I know you wish this was you and lightbulb". "HEYY" Paintbrush says, but not a flame builds up in their bristles. "Yeah actually, I really miss her" they continue. Test tube then looks at me, holding my face.

"Fan, have you seen my clear hearing invention? I swear I left it in the laboratory". Then she looks up at my bed and spots it on my pillow. "Oh, I knew you took it" she laughs. "What gossip are you using it for?"

"Well, listen here" I say. I play the recording of nickel talking to soap. Both their eyes go wide as they listen to the audio. 

"Isn't it bad to record people without their consent? Especially on topics like that" paintbrush asks. "Chill paintbrush, I'm not gonna post it or anything, just, maybe... analyse it?" I reply. "Write some theories and stuff. I'm not going to tell anyone else that nickel likes balloon... but you know... yeah?". I smile awkwardly. "You look really cute when you smile like that fan, but promise me you won't out anybody for their crushes?" Test tube says. "Promise testy". We both do a 'promise handshake' we've used for years, since we are also best friends. I upload the recording to a private file on my laptop and return the device to test tube, and we kiss goodbye before she leaves.

"Aww, I wish I confessed to lightbulb sooner, before I got eliminated." Paintbrush said. "Wanna go visit her?" I say to cheer them up. Mephone usually doesn't care if eliminated contestants meet with the running contestants anymore. Paintbrush's mood changes to happy as they call lightbulb to meet up somewhere. I know for a fact that they aren't gonna confess but, if their happy, it's all good.



I'm back from crying over nickloons divorce arc in III14. I'm sure it's not gonna be like that forever tho, so dw

1076 words YEAHH

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Aight BYEEE 


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