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Nickels pov

Sometimes even chilling in your room can get so boring. I open the door and go downstairs to find something, ANYTHING, that I could do. I enter the kitchen looking for a snack or something I could occupy myself with. As I look around, I notice movement in the pantry. I peek in and find soap organising the shelves. She turns and notices me in the doorway.

"Oh, hey" she says, turning herself towards me. "Whaddya need?"

"I was just looking for a snack or something" I reply. She turns back and grabs something from the lower shelf. She then tosses me a pack of crisps and I catch it with my teeth. I drop it momentarily to say thanks. But before I leave the room, she stops me.

"Wait, nickel"

"Uh, yeah?"

"So... how's it going?" She smirks.

"How's what going.." I reply, not getting the message.



"Just a salmon coloured person...". I realise what she's talking about and I blush, thinking about him. For some reason I pretend not to know what she's talking about.

"Hehe...w-what are you talking about?" I say nervously. Shoot that was way too obvious. I used to be good at hiding emotion. What happened?

"Oh please, you know who I'm talking about" she says, raising her eyebrow smiling.

"Are you dating yet?"

"Wha-NO!" I shout. "I wish..." I mutter under my breath

"What was that?" She says.


"C'mon, why'd you ask me how to ask him out if you're not going to do it?"

"You did say I shouldn't push myself to do it early," I reply.

"Fine, fine, but you're taking so longgg. I'm itching for more couple drama pleasee."

"Huh?!" I say confused.

"Oop- anyway, look at your profile pictures! They obviously match" she says, showing me an edited picture of our profile pictures next to each other." 

"Who edited that?..." I ask.

"Shush" she says, putting her pointer finger near my mouth. "That isn't what you have to worry about". She puts her phone away and turns back to the shelf. 

"Well, I'm glad I got to catch up to date about you and your boyfriend"


"Yet" she says.

"But.. we can't talk all day, I've got to do some room service after this. Those rooms aren't going to mop themselves! Anyway, good luck with him" she says, winking. I sigh, but not in a bad way. 

"And if you ever need more advice, you know who to come to" she chirps.

"Heh, thanks Soap" I say, before we share a smile and I leave the room.

Balloons pov

"YESS" I shout loudly. It worked! Suitcase and I are going to meet up again, but baseball is coming! 

"I know right? I thought he'd say no" suitcases voice says from the call. 

"Yeahh I can't wait to see nickel's face!" I say happily. He's going to be so glad to see baseball again.

"Ooh~ you can't wait to see who??" Suitcase says. I can practically hear the smirk.

"Oh c'mon suits" I say, rolling my eyes.

Building it up (nickloon EHEHEHEHE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora