Chapter 24: Misunderstanding and Loss

Start from the beginning

Andy: "Nope." he said, simply.

Alex groaned, seeing that Andy wasn't swayed by his he turned to Marga.

Andy: "Don't even think about it." he snapped.

Alex: "Damn it!" he cursed.

Marga: "Better luck next time." she shrugged, keeping pace with Andy.

They were soon back at the FOB with Vestal dragging Alex by his ear into the infirmary muttering some very choice words about him.

Admiral Emily: "Sorry for the trouble kids." she said, "You were the closest ones to him."

Marga: "No problem mom." she smiled, "Always happy to help."

Andy: "Just call us when he gets out and we'll have his ass back here kicking and screaming." he promised.

Lieutenant Dave: "Attaboy sport." he chuckled.

Marga: "You got any missions for us?" she asked.

Admiral Emily: "There's a patrol going out in a few minutes." she replied, "If you 2 want it then it's yours, otherwise it'll go to Rex."

Andy: "We can take it mom." he announced.

Marga: "Yeah, I'm still in the mood to kick someone's ass!" she said excitedly.

Admiral Emily: "Great, I'll inform Rex of the change in plans, you 2 get ready." she said, walking off.

Lieutenant Dave soon walked off while Andy and Marga went off to grab a quick lunch.

Half an hour later, after a hearty lunch, they set off once again at full speed. They were roaring through what used to be Pedro Gil street.

Steve Irwin: 'Well this is peaceful.' she sighed.

Andy: "You can say that again Irwin." he smiled, "Especially since the last few sorties have been running and shooting."

Marga: "What's Irwin saying?" she asked.

Andy: "Oh, she's just commenting on the peaceful conditions." he replied with a smile.

Marga: "Yeah, it is oddly peaceful.....too peaceful..." she trailed off.

Steve Irwin: 'Oh God, she jinxed it...' she groaned.

Andy nodded when something tripped up his sixth sense and caused him to stop, catching Marga with his prosthetic, just as a salvo of plasma shot out in front of Andy and Marga.

Compiler: "Dang it!" she cursed, rushing around the bend.

Marga: "Who the heck is she!?" she demanded.

Andy: "Don't have a clue!" he yelped, dodging another shot, "RUN!!"

Both Andy and Marga legged it with Compiler chasing them at full speed. Now, the reason Andy was ordering a retreat instead of an attack was simply because he didn't know how predictable this girl was compared to someone like Purifier or Observer....he was also threatened death by Vestal should he choose to be wreckless and attempt something like that so there was also that small detail.

Compiler: "COME HERE!!" she yelled.

Marga: "HQ, we have a new Siren on the field!" she yelled, "I am declaring an emergency!"

The pair of kansen ran from Compiler but were sitting ducks on the ground as Compiler launched aircraft, and currently neither Andy nor Marga had AA defenses, so Andy made a call.

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