39 | A new chapter in life

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Serafina Ricci

Ever since Massimo came by my mother has been talking about having a farewell party. Sure, it was a great idea. Yet somewhere it felt like saying goodbye forever and I know for a fact that I'll continue to see my parents.

She made it her mission to invite everyone that I deemed as a friend and tried to invite the few friends of Massimo as well. He told me he didn't have much time to date around which made sense why his list of friends was a short one.

My mother came into my room ravaging through my closet. Picked out the most expensive dress I owned and handed it to me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Mom it's a farewell party, not a wedding." I tried to remind her but she disagreed.

"You always need to look your best Serafina. I thought it taught you well." She said under her breathe as she shook her head in disappointment.

I stood there unsure of what to actually do. Just took the dress she and tried it on. It was a sage green dress that stopped right above my anckles. It hugged me in the right places. However my back was completely exposed.

"Mom don't you think this is too much?" I questioned her again.

"It's not honey." She replied and handed me new heels I'll be wearing for the night. This was ridiculous. She was definitely planning something.

"Is Massimo picking me up?" I wondered since I hadn't heard from him the entire day.

"He's with Sofia right now, so I don't think he will be able to pick you up." She answered and I looked at her taken back.

Sofia? What's he doing with Sofia? It must be important since he wouldn't be able to pick me up.
I decided to shake it off and just trust my mother's judgements. Despite still thinking that she was overdoing it.

As I went down the stairs I was met with my older brother and father in suits. I glanced at my mother and than back at them.

"Alright what's going on?" I asked them suspiciously.

My father shrugged and so did my brother. "We are simply dressed for the occasion." Romeo answered in my father place.

"It's a farewell party, not a damn wedding." I spoke frustrated. "I'm just saying bye to all my family and friends since we are leaving tomorrow morning. Besides it's not like you are never seeing me again." I complained as I looked at my brother.

"Let's get going before she cries." My father said which made me roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to cry." I defended myself.

"You are." My brother started.

"I'm not."

"Let's get going." My father repeated himself.

The car drive to Massimo's house was a short one. It felt like time was going by faster. As we arrived I noticed how it looked the exact same as the last time I was here. I quickly checked the time to see if we were perhaps too early. No we were actually running late. My eyebrows knitted together as I noticed how no one was here. The entire place seemed to be completely empty making me suspiciously glance over at my parents.

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