18 | What a surprise

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Massimo Revello

Being compared to my father happened all the time. Like father like son was something everyone has said at least once. Insulting me and humiliating me. At the end of the day it was all I truly think about. Both Arthur and Marco have lighter hair than me. They look much more like my mother. From their hair all the way to their eyes. They weren't a spitting image of my father. Me on the other hand looked just like him. Some even called me my father's twin.

Just because I looked like him people expected me to act like him as well. They wanted me to be as violent and impatient like him. They expected me to be arrogant and selfish.

"You're working harder than usual." My trainer, Adam spoke as he encouraged me to throw more punches. To him I was just working out but in reality I couldn't bring myself to calm down. I was constantly at war with myself.

"I trained your brother a few days ago."

"Which one?" I asked.

"The youngest." He replied as he avoided eye contact.

"How was he?" I wondered but I knew the answer to that already.

"Have you seen him lately? He is much more violent. Gave him the chance to fight someone from his own weight class. It was clear that he won but he couldn't bring it in him to stop. Beat the guy really badly, me and some other guys had to step in." Adam explained and I let out a sigh.

"He is here every Monday?" I wondered. Adam nodded his head.

"Yeah what are you plotting?" He wondered curiously.

"I'll keep him in check." I told him before stepping out of the boxing ring. Taking my bag that laid on the floor.

"It took a few guys to hold him back. How are you going to keep him in 'check'?" Adam asked amused.

I chuckled at his comment. "He won't dare to talk back to me." Was all I said before walking to my car.

Angelo insisted to send someone to pick me up, but this was one of the few moments I wished to be alone. I just wanted some fresh air and clear my head.

The drive home didn't take long. I pulled in my driveway and parked my car out in the open. Gave my guard the keys to drive it to the garage. The house looked spotless which was surprising because I left it in a completely different state. The same goes for my room. Everything was in place and not on the ground.

I quickly put on more casual clothing and went downstairs. My eyes roaming around looking for Sera because she was the only one that could have done this. For Sera safety I decided to not let strangers inside of the house, the same applied to maids. The maid that I have since I moved was taking a small break. After all she was growing old and I didn't want her to work too hard anymore.

Sera was in the garden watering the plants. Hunched over as she put all her focus on the flowers. She inspected every single one of them making me wonder if she was feeling alright. Sera must have seen the expressing on my face which had made her laugh.

"I love flowers, it's a reminder of how something can grow out of nothing." She spoke as she stood up straight.

"Well, did you clean the house and my room?" I asked her coldly.

"Yes, after what happened a few days back I felt guilty. Take this as an apology." Sera told me as she looked away.

"Apology accepted." I told her as I walked away. Not spearing het another look.

Perhaps I have been too friendly with her. Making her think that her behaviour was acceptable. She thought of me as a friend while I wasn't. Things had to change before she gets more delusional.

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