01 | First time meeting

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Serafina Ricci

This was a man's world, and I was completely aware. From the guns around their waist, to their body language when they were talking to the opposite sex.

It was as if we were the prey and they were the predator. Waiting for one small mistake to bite us in the neck...to attack us. I think this type of behaviour was more noticeable in clubs. Their eyes glued on women's bodies as they were dancing in a big crowd. They will slip behind them and press themselves against them. No shame or guilt to be detected from their faces. Nowadays we warn women and tell them to protect themselves or to not be outside when the sun goes down, yet we never hold men accountable for their actions.

Perhaps that's why I looked around the club in disgust. Maybe that's the reason why I had my phone glued in my hand, calling my friend in such a hurry. A frown on my face as I glanced at the people on the dance floor. The club smells like sweat, alcohol and smoke mixed together. My heart was beating very fast because this type of environment was where things went wrong. Especially in this neighbourhood.

There was no such things as gangs in Europe. Or at least where I lived you were either rich and powerful or you were ordinary. So when I saw 5 men come inside, wearing black suits and expensive watches I was on the edge. My eyes following their every move. Already mentally prepared in the case everything went south. Knowing well that the money that they earned wasn't 'honest money'.

"Isn't this club great?" My friend Luna asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I think we should go home. Some men just came in and I have a bad feeling about this." I said trying to convince my friend to leave with me but she rolled her eyes.

"Not every men with expensive watches and black suits are part of the mafia. Your father wears the same thing, is he part of the mafia? Just relax Serfina, they usually hang around the other side of town." Luna said as she rolled her eyes.

Luna was right but it wasn't about the black suit and expensive watches. It has always been about the vibes that they gave off. They were dominant and intimidating. I didn't have to speak to them to see that they did not tolerate disrespect, and even if it was dark inside of the club I cloud see that they had guns around their waists.

"Besides, your family is loaded. They know better than to mess with you."

I rolled my eyes at her statement. "People like them don't care about status. They get what they want whenever they want, and wherever they go people end up death. So no Luna, I can't just relax." I said defensively.

"Stop being so tense sunshine. Everything is going to be fine."

"I'm going home."

"Alright, call me if you get home safely." Luna said as I rolled my eyes.

The cold breeze touched my skin and I slightly shivered. The black mini dress and this weather didn't go hand in hand. I was ready to take my phone out and call my brother and ask him to pick me up, but I decided against it.

I could feel deep down something bad was going on, so went back inside and looked for my friend. Because I didn't leave anyone behind, and if something happened to her that would be my fault. So I looked for my friend and couldn't find her anywhere. I ended up going up the stairs and see if she was up there somewhere in the vip section. Normally Luna wouldn't be allowed in the vip section. But she had connections so it wouldn't be impossible.

The vip rooms were right next to each other, and for privacy reasons the walls were sound proof. My plan was to look for Luna and get going, however I got drawn to a room that wasn't so easy to notice. The door was black decorated in gold. I approached the room to see it from a closer view. The screams that came from the other side of the door was unexpected. My body froze and I found myself unable to move.

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