Heaven And Earth

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"There's no one easier to control than the person who yearns for you." - Sōsuke Aizen

Weiss awoke to the feeling of soft, warm lips on her forehead, followed by the sound of Ruby's voice in her ears. The immortal cracked open an eye, her sea of blue immediately finding Ruby's sterling silver orbs which stared down at her with a love struck look.

"Weissyyy, it's time to get up. We have that mission today!" Ruby whisper-yelled, a caring smile on her face as she stepped back from Weiss' bed. The alabaster haired girl sat up in bed and sighed, the Hōgyoku grumbling in her chest as she rubbed her eyes.

"I am well aware, Ruby. But unlike you and Yang, I do not take an hour to get ready." Ruby crossed her arms and pouted at Weiss' comeback, but her expression was changed in an instant as Weiss leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek, moving her lips to against her ear and whispering.

"But still, that was very sweet, my little flower." Ruby blushed as red as her namesake as Weiss got up fully, cracking her neck and stepping foot onto their dorm room floor. The immortal looked around the room, the Hōgyoku alerting her to the conscious presence of her two other teammates before she even looked at them. She let an innocent and calming smile form on her face, eyes twinkling with the facade of well wishes.

"Good morning, Yang, Blake. It seems that you've prepared for your mission quite well." Blake only awkwardly nodded at Weiss' compliment, meanwhile Yang narrowed her eyes in disgust at her ivory haired teammate.

"Shut it, princess. I'm not talking to you until you get your hands off of my sister." Weiss laughed at Yang's attempted threat, taking a few steps towards her while Ruby looked away in both frustration and anger. In had been about a week since the dance, and Yang had taken the news of their budding relationship rather poorly. The siblings had broken out into several big arguments, and more than once had Yang attempted to confront Weiss about the whole thing.

Yang's aura had become well-equipped to healing broken noses.

"Your sister? Is that all you see her as? An extension of your own futility? Or is it that by allowing me to take ownership of her heart, you feel replaced? Whatever it is, I'd suggest you halt your meaningless objections. Ruby loves me, and I feel the same. You will not interfere in the affairs of my beloved and I." Weiss advised as she stepped past the blonde brawler and towards the bathroom. Just before she walked in, she blew her new girlfriend a kiss, who eagerly caught it and held it against her heart.

But a dark smirk formed on Weiss' face as she shut and locked the bathroom door behind her. She had to hold back her own laughter as she stripped herself of clothing, eventually standing bare in front of the mirror. She ogled the Hōgyoku that sat just under her breasts, which glowed warmly at her touch as she giggled.

"Love... what a useless emotion. Love has only ever brought disappointment and misery upon the world. To accept such pitiful emotions is to be weak... and soon enough, they will all see the truth... the truth of my true self." Weiss whispered quietly as she stroked the blue orb. She had never expected for her facade to go this far, to have Ruby love her so. But it felt so right. She wanted to cuddle up to the crimsonette and pepper her face with kisses, feel her heartbeat in her chest as she rested in her arms. How Weiss would love to fall into those silver eyes, drowning in sickeningly sweet love and care.

Only to burn it from the inside out.

'I don't love you... I don't love anyone. This world doesn't deserve to be loved, that's why I'll surpass it. I'll transcend this world and mold it into what I see fit. I'll be the one to create a perfect world, a world fit for one who surpasses the gods.' Weiss' smirk widened as she got into the shower, letting the scalding water splash against her skin as she washed herself off. She focused in on the warm emotions she could feel resonating within Ruby from the other side of the wall, caressing them in her arms as she hummed a quiet toon.

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