Darkest Heart

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"No one starts... on top of the world." - Sōsuke Aizen

It had been a week since Ruby had realized her love for Weiss, and the heiress could see it clear as day. The secret gazes the crimsonette would send her way were no longer cast with doubt or trepidation, but burning desire and acceptance for such. Weiss hadn't even expected this turn of events, but the more she had thought about it, the more beautiful it was.

After all, who better to destroy everything than the person who you loved?

'And I suppose it can't be helped, that someone would eventually have their heart's stolen by my beauty. I am the almighty and divine, the up and coming god of this world... it's only natural that a mere mortal would fall for me... and the fact that it's Ruby is just the icing on the cake, she is quite... desirable.' Weiss felt a maniacal heat rise in her cheeks as she walked down the streets of Vale. Ruby had been feeling a bit under the weather, and she had offered to go off and fetch some medicine for her. The look of surprise that had quickly turned to appreciation and love on Ruby's face had been both mesmerizing and sickening.

In fact, every time she was in close proximity to Ruby, she felt a strange feeling inside her body. The Hōgyoku would send waves of yearning and fire throughout her chest and, which would spread through her body and cause her heart to skip beats. It was almost maddening, her innocent eyes, her blinding smile, they seemed to have an affect on the immortal that Weiss both craved and despised.

'But such a conundrum will haunt me for only a little while longer...' She could feel the Hōgyoku purr with lust and eagerness from within her chest, desperately reaching out towards a future that would soon come to pass. Weiss adjusted the bag of medicine in her hand, eyes like blue suns as she smirked evilly. Her power was growing day by day, spiritual energy rising like a phoenix that would soon burst into divine flames that transcended everything. It was only a matter of time before she gained the strength necessary to cast her connections aside.

Weiss walked with an aura of menace and superiority that rolled off her in waves, making the passerbys afraid to look even when she was the famous heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. And with that power, she displayed no emotions during her stride, too wrapped up in her own fantasies of omnipotent power.

'Yes... one day soon, I will become the one who sits above the heavens... Humans, faunus, grimm... nothing will hold a candle to my power... but I'll go even further. I cannot stand for anyone surpassing me, even those in a completely separate reality from my own... I will transcend everything, including even hollow and soul reaper... and I will achieve the dream that you couldn't, grandfather... I will surpass even the Soul King.' Weiss said to herself, eyes aglow with maddening ambition. She knew of the omnipotent, god-like power that the Soul King held, power over all things. Space and time, reality and fantasy, even life and death were at his command. But even in the face of such almighty power, she would not fold. She would become the being who surpassed the gods and toppled the Soul King.

Just as Weiss walked past an alleyway, a homeless looking man jumped from the darkness to attack her. His appearance was haggard and dirty, messy beard and rough skin covered by torn clothing. He seemed to be in his late twenties to early thirties, made every older by the crazed glint in his eyes. It was obvious that he had seen Weiss wandering the streets, and had decided that he may be able to gain something of valuable by mugging a girl of her wealth.

In another reality, the mugger would have been swiftly knocked unconscious by the huntress in training, before being left for the police to send to jail. It would have been a bad situation for him, but he would have been left with no lasting physical harm.

Unfortunately for the man, this was not that reality.

Not at all.

As the man's hand approached Weiss' right shoulder, she calmly reached out her right arm and poked him lightly on the forehead with her index finger without even looking. At just that single touch, the man froze and his eyes went blank as his mind was erased. Each and every memory he had ever made was completely eradicated, crushing both his conscious and subconscious until he was nothing but a blank slate, a mindless husk unable to function at all. He fell to the floor, eyes still blank as he lay helpless, with Weiss passing him by without a second thought.

[HIATUS] Deicide: The Edge Of Reason - RWBY X BleachOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora