When Day Breaks

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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

The world was ending.

That was the only possible explanation for what was going on.

James Ironwood was shaking in his boots, his skin shining with a cold sweat as he piloted the airship he resided in back towards Beacon. His hands were ice-cold, his heart pounding as that inescapable truth drilled its way into his head. The ship was continuously being rocked with explosions, the pitch black skies like a blanket of darkness that suffocated his every move.

'Damn it, damn it! What the hell is happening out there?! It feels like a natural disaster, and those reports...' The general had to keep himself from becoming nauseous at the thought, glancing down at the screen on the bullhead's control panel. Just a few minutes after he had neutralized the virus infecting the atlesian military, dozens of reports had come streaming in from the rest of the world.

Vale had been mostly destroyed, the city cut horizontally in two and showered with meteors.

Islands had been sunken, creating massing tsunamis and world shaking earthquakes.

The continent of Anima had been split in two, its entire tectonic plate chopped through.

Volcanoes were erupting, hurricanes were forming, thunderstorms were spanning the globe. Villages and towns had been scorched into nothing, even Mistral had taken large amounts of damage. Everything was in ruin, a world ending calamity that had sought to devastate humanity.

But that wasn't all.

No, the most shocking of all were the reports of a hole in the planet, one over a mile wide and burrowing all the way through, so that if one were to peer inside, with eyes of eternal clarity that could see through the darkness, they'd see the sky of the other side of the world.

Such an event had destabilized the core of Remnant, throwing off its magnetic field and causing the entire planet to tremble as it was ravaged by the destructive forces that plagued its surface. The entire planet was under threat of collapse, like the wrath of heaven had come to obliterate the world and start it anew.

James had no idea what was happening. Was this Salem's doing? He didn't think so. While he didn't doubt the power of the Grimm Queen, this wasn't her style at all. She was much more methodical and calculating, not spontaneous and destructive. Had the Gods returned to bring an end to humanity? Or was this some more alien or supernatural force? Of course, no human could ever cause this much destruction. It simply wasn't possible for a semblance to cause this much mayhem.

This was the work of something divine.

'Calm yourself, James. There is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is go and rescue the students, and hope that whatever divine calamity that has come down upon us will give us mercy.' The general took a deep breath, operating the guns on the airship to shoot down any grimm that tried to attack him as he neared the ruins of Beacon, the sun slowly rising over the bleak horizon.

He'd do what he could, and pray that was enough.


In the ruins of Beacon academy, Winter Schnee and Ruby Rose lay against a piece of debris, breathing heavily as blood dripped down their clothes. Winter had used her glyphs to make a pathway over the sinkhole, and the two of them had resolved to hide out until the world shaking calamity was over. Unfortunately, more grimm had emerged from the depths, pushing them to the brink and leaving them battered and bruised where they now lay resting.

[HIATUS] Deicide: The Edge Of Reason - RWBY X Bleachحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن