Advent Of Change

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"Trusting someone means relying on them, and only the weak do that." - Sōsuke Aizen

Weiss couldn't fight the jubilated smirk etched on her face as she descended from the airship, feet hitting the stone pathway before her. The immortal's eyes searched the entire area in an instant, scanning for any and all threats before laughing silently.

Nothing could threaten her, not anymore.

Because of her lack of luggage, she had easily denied the presence of any servants to help her carry her belongings. Besides, relying on someone was the epitome of idiocy, the thought leaving a sour taste in her mouth. Trust was dead, as were most fundamental concepts of society.

Weiss slowly began walking down the scenic pathway, eyes sweeping over the other students. None of them impressed her whatsoever, her experience in hunting grimm and subduing those needed for the Hōgyoku had given her more than enough combat experience. That wasn't even getting into the orb itself, an existence that guaranteed her spot as the strongest in this school.

Upon becoming one with the mystical orb, the Hōgyoku had absorbed all of Weiss' aura and poured it into itself. However, this wasn't a negative in the slightest, for even without a traditional aura, Weiss' durability was greatly enhanced. If her peers were like sculptures of glass surrounded by unbreakable stone, then she was like a figure of solid steel. Sure, the former may offer more protection for a while, but once the defense breaks, it leaves the body vulnerable. Weiss' durability didn't depend on such trivial matters, as her entire body, inside and out, was enough to keep most attacks at bay. The Hōgyoku sent a small shiver of pleasure through its master's spine, a message of love for her absolute faith in its abilities.

It was then that she felt it pulse in her chest, a small alert that made her eyes snap forward from their sweep across the school. It was not a second too late, as it gave her just enough time to steady her body as someone crashed right into her.

The young girl met the ground in a huff, her pale hands reaching out to catch herself as Weiss watched on from above with annoyance. The girl had black hair with tips of crimson, dressed in black corset accented by a red cloak. Weiss was prepared to simply ignore the buffon, but the girl quickly got up and opened her eyes at the heiress, making her freeze in fascination.

The girl's orbs were such a striking silver that Weiss couldn't help but stare. The pools of mercury gleamed up at her with a blinding innocence, one that made Weiss feel a flurry of emotions as the younger girl pulled herself up with haste.

"I'm sooooo sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and I just bumped into you" The young crimsonette's rambling was cut short as she took Weiss in, words dying on her tongue as she admired the heiress. Weiss did the same, only hers was much faster, and any emotions she had were quickly superseded by the anger at being disturbed.

"I would suggest getting out of my way." She sneered as she roughly shoved the girl aside, nearly forcing her back to the ground as she coldly walked past. The silver eyed girl sputtered as Weiss walked past, eyes trailing the heiress as she continued.

"Hey! I said I was sorry, you could at least be nice about it!" Weiss stopped, turning around to regard the young girl once more. She looked her up and down, a neutral expression on her face as she spoke up.

"Neither empathy or kindness have a place here." Her tone betrayed her belief in her own superiority, for Weiss spoke with a cadence that gave off authority and power. She regarded those here as lesser, for they were still blinded by the status quo. As such, she didn't care for the comments of the silver-eyed girl at all.

"Well I'm sorry for being nice, princess!" Ruby rebutted, a childlike glare sent with her breathtaking eyes as Weiss narrowed her own. This one was beginning to tick her off, the Hōgyoku burning with anger in her chest. But before she could retort, a new voice spoke up.

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