Glass Walls

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"I had no intention of deceiving anyone. It's just that none of you could true self." Sōsuke Aizen

Several days passed since their call, and true to her word, Winter had called her every single day. It was an effort to keep up her facade, but the benefits were worth her while. Having Winter in her corner would be valuable, especially with her blind love for her.

Weiss currently lay in her bed, eyes scanning through one of her grandfather's diaries. She had gone further back this time, analyzing his time spent puppeteering the Fifth Division. She had read through this section a few times before, but it never hurt to be thorough.

Just as she turned the page, she heard a groan of annoyance from the other side of the room. Her eyes traveled to Ruby, who sat on her own bed, pencil in hand as she scowled at a homework assignment. Thinking of the girl made Weiss recollect the last few days, the time spent confined to the same room as these heathens.

She had grown tired of being overly antagonistic towards their every foolish word or action, so she had taken to mostly ignoring them. There was a clear divide between them, one that Weiss felt perfectly fine about keeping. They hadn't spoken much since that first lunch, especially because Weiss had taken to sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria. The only one that seemed to spare a second thought was Ruby, who had given her a sad glance that day.

Weiss had returned it with a glare.

In all honesty, Beacon was a cake walk. Her incredible intellect and unbelievable power meant that no one could oppose her. The Hōgyoku sat firmly in her chest, a steady source of absolute invincibility. She could feel her power growing each day, though she wasn't sure exactly what was needed to trigger an evolution. Aizen's journals had explained that he had acquired his transformed states through battle and rage, but Weiss was unsure of who could give her a proper challenge.

Except Yang, but all she tested was her patience.

But thankfully, she and Blake were currently sparring in the gym. Yang had offered them to- well, she had offered Ruby to come with them, but the red reaper had refused, citing her homework as the reason.

"Is something the matter?" Weiss asked coldly, icy eyes sending a piercing look Ruby's way. The crimsonette blushed, silver eyes sparkling in embarrassment. Weiss kept her eyes locked on Ruby's own, captivated by those molten orbs.

"Oh- I'm sorry...I'm just struggling with Port's essay that he assigned us." Weiss had, of course, already finished said essay. It was simply a comprehensive analysis on the Nevermore. To be fair though, Weiss had a much better understanding of grimm than most, seeing as she had hunted them to create the Hōgyoku. She had taken on entire flocks of the beasts, the edge of Myrtenaster having become intimately familiar with every inch of the creatures. The thought of Ruby struggling was both hilarious and concerning. To think that she was their leader...

This could not do.

"You bumbling buffoon, let me see that." Weiss snarled as she leapt up from bed, sauntering forward to glance at Ruby's paper. She had been expecting a childish collection of scribbles, rambling nothings spawned from the brain of a lower-minded individual.

But no, it was actually cohesive.

Very cohesive.

Ruby's essay was, in fact, quite superb. Weiss could spot no major errors, just a few minor spelling mistakes here and there. But it was, in fact, quite informative. Weiss' eyes quickly blazed through the page, before turning to Ruby with an annoyed expression.

"This is fine, what exactly are you complaining about?" Ruby withered under her glare, but eventually responded with a small voice.

"I...I just forgot how they shoot their feathers." She admitted softly, and Weiss glanced back through the paper, Sure enough, there was no explanation present. Thankfully, Weiss was very familiar with that subject, seeing as she had both fought dozens up close and was merged with a device that was partly composed of them.

[HIATUS] Deicide: The Edge Of Reason - RWBY X BleachTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon