To Love A Lie

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"No matter what happens... As long as you walk by my side... There shall be no enemy that can stand before us." - Sōsuke Aizen

"Usually I would find amusement in the pitiful attempts of you lesser beings to face me, but this is just sad." Ruby couldn't tear his eyes away from Weiss as the heiress mocked her opponent, an angry and battered Cardin Winchester who was standing wobbly in front of his downed team.

It had been a week since Weiss had saved her from Roman's Paladin, and ever since then Ruby couldn't get the white haired beauty out of her head. Every time she closed her eyes, she could feel her soft hands sliding up her skin, those piercing blue eyes drowning her in their crystal blue depths, her sickeningly sweet yet devilish smile... No matter what, the silver eyed warrior couldn't stop thinking about her partner.

"Rubes, take a picture, it will last longer." Grumbled Yang from her left, making Ruby's face turn red as crossed her arms. The downside to continuously staring at Weiss was that Yang still wasn't the biggest fan of the heiress, so she was beginning to earn her sister's ire. But Ruby didn't care, she was old enough to make her own decisions.

And besides...

"Shut up, Yang. I wasn't even doing anything..." Ruby pouted, bright eyes still never leaving the arena. She continued to watch as Weiss danced around Cardin, never letting a single one of his clumsy blows even graze her. She had already dismantled the rest of his team, taking them down with no effort at all. They hadn't even landed a single blow on the cerulean eyed girl, a testament to her skill and grace.

"Ruby, I'm not stupid. You've been ogling Ice Queen ever since she saved you from Torchwick. Not that I don't appreciate that, but you really can't find anyone a little more... well, every positive adjective?" Ruby frowned as her sister badmouthed Weiss, annoyance gathering in her chest.

She knew Yang had every right to not like her partner, but why couldn't she see that Weiss was trying to change? No longer did Weiss spend her days arguing with Yang about every little thing, now the heiress was just quiet and gave the occasional quip. In Ruby's eyes, Weiss had been so antagonistic in the beginning as a self-defense mechanism. But underneath all the hate and cold, there was a real angel.

An angel...

"Stop being so mean, Yang. Can't you just get over it? And I'm not ogling anyone... I'm just watching her fight. I have a lot to learn, after all." Ruby's eyes were glued to the battle below, watching as Weiss caught a swing from Cardin's mace and crushed the morning star in her hand like it was made of glass. The petite girl then elbowed Cardin in the throat, making him cough up saliva as he staggered back.

" can't be serious? She literally tried to kill us!" Yang threw her hands up in the air, face contorted in frustration and exasperation. Her younger sister didn't respond at first, watching as Weiss slowly walked over to Cardin and grabbed him by the hair. The display of power, of complete and utter domination, made Ruby feel all warm inside. But there was a different warmth welling up in her chest, one a lot more unpleasant than the first.

"No she didn't... and besides, aren't you the one that attacked her?" Ruby knew that her words cut deep when Yang visibly recoiled, a flash of hurt coming over her sister's face. The lilac eyed girl stared at her sister, anger and sadness visible on her face.

"Ruby... she made you cry! I was protecting your honor!" Yang raised her voice just enough so that Goodwitch wouldn't hear, but Ruby wasn't having any of it. He glared at Yang, silver eyes like daggers made of the same metal.

"Well maybe I don't need you to coddle me anymore, I can fight my own battles." The coldness in Ruby's voice surprised even herself, but the effects were immediate. Yang was left stunned, mouth parted and with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Just how far had Ruby fallen for the cruel heiress?

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