Divine Identity

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"We think the flower on the precipice is beautiful, because our fear makes our feet stop at its edge, instead of stepping forward into the sky, like that flower." - Sōsuke Aizen

Weiss arose early in the morning, rising with the sun as she climbed down from the roof. Soon enough, she was outside of her team's dorm room, the knob of which she stared at with annoyed trepidation.

'Maybe they'll finally leave me alone now.'

Without any further hesitation, Weiss grabbed the knob and pushed the door open only to find herself face to face with Blake. The raven-haired girl blinked as she and Weiss stared at each other, the only sounds present being the quiet snores of Ruby and the monstrous ones of Yang. Sapphire and amber stared into each other, an almost tangible tension in the air.

"Hello." Blake eventually settled on, only for Weiss to brush her aside and walk into the bathroom, not making a sound despite her bullheaded approach. The door quietly locked behind her, leaving a both annoyed and relieved Blake alone in the room.

Weiss quickly undressed and stepped into the shower, feeling the water splash against her skin. She glanced down at the Hōgyoku, watching as the water disappeared through its depths. The orb had no physical form, and was thus an ethereal item that existed solely on an astral level. The only person who could touch it was Weiss, but only due to the fact that she had merged with the orb.

'I'll need to check the mail before Pyrrha and I's match....The media calls her the "Invincible Girl" but such a title will become a thing of the past after today. I wonder if the others will be there...?' Weiss idly imagined the remains of Team RWBY and JNPR watching as she beat Pyrrha into the dirt. A small smirk graced her lips, imagining the shock on Yang's face, the terror on Jaune's, and the awe on Ruby's-


Weiss frowned as she remembered their last meeting, her hand going numb as she recalled smacking Ruby across the room. She had left the girl in tears, but such a thing mattered little to the heiress...but still, the crimsonette's words rang deep in her head.

'I mustn't distract myself with the ramblings of a degenerate fool.' She snarled, pushing the thoughts deep from her mind as she stepped out of the shower, quickly brushing her teeth and hair while getting dressed. She could feel a whine of protest from the Hōgyoku as she covered it with her with a white dress, one of her fancier outfits.

The immortal then opened the door and stepped out into the dorm room, noting that Ruby and Yang were still asleep. Blake sat in her bed, book in hand as they locked eyes for the second time that day. It seemed that Blake had left behind the shorter girl's dismissal of her, now only giving her a questioning look.

"Do you know why Nora has texted me for us to all come to the training room at four?" Weiss let a confident smirk creep up her lips as she strolled over to her own bed, taking one of Aizen's many journals from her shelf before crawling under her covers.

"Pyrrha challenged me to a duel, and I presume that she let Nora know who now wants an audience. I suppose it would be entertaining to have a crowd watch as I make a mockery of the Invincible Girl." Blake nodded, sighing gently before turning a page of her novel.

"I see. Though Pyrrha is quite skilled, you might not find it as easy as you think." Weiss laughed, turning her own page in her book. Her eyes scanned the explanation for Hado Number 90 as she answered her teammate.

"You think that skill is enough to beat me? No amount of skill can cross the gap between us." Blake licked her finger, turning the pages of her book and giving Weiss a sideways glance.

"You know, usually I would find your arrogance and god-complex annoying, but it's kind of growing on me. It's honestly funny to see how detached from reality you are." Weiss stifled a laugh at Blake's words, sending the amber eyed girl a piercing look of her own.

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