Part 21: dungeon

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In the last part 20 we have seen how chastity is lost in thoughts of Lu. Every one can notice this change in her. Mother venus holds a meeting regarding something important . Also there is invasion in EDEN garden .All are warned to stay safe . Chastity inquired about skull island but got no clue. Lts see what happens in Part 21

Potion tree / the eden garden 

We have read in the previous part of the story . how everyone was talking about a secret passage to the forbidden  tree. lets reveal the secret .

Hell inside 

In the hell , Lucifer is happy and talking to medusa and hilda . How things have been going right in Hell. Lucifer is happy about hoe his creation the sins are performing .

Lucifer: Hilda , my creation is doing great now a days . Every sin is looking perfect . 

Hilda: I am amazed at Wrath performance , if it was permissible she would destroy the hell. 

She can ruin everything in fraction of seconds. She is too damn good.

Medusa shows an amazing potion she created with the help of her snakes and asks those poisonous snake to pour some strong venom in the bottle . Lucifer is impressed. 

Wicked witch walks in and she unwraps the velvet cloth and shows Lucifer something . 

Lucifer laughs as wicked witch whispers something in his ear. Medusa comes closer to have a look . They together mix , something from the velvet cloth and medusa pours in venom. Hilda comes closer and binds it with a spell and they laugh together.

Lucifer smiles and whisper amongst each other. 

lUST and other sins , the creation of lucifer walks in . Lucifer is happy with their performance and all the seven sins comes closer to Him and there is a message secretly shared . Seven sins were upto something but secret is not revealed. Lucifer command them to perform certain task and that task is a secret task. 

Greed  and tony together leaves for the skull island as Lucifer commands them to perform some rituals . Lucifer is happy as tension is created in Heaven . 

Who was creating tension in the heaven ? Was it Lucifer or someone else.? Whats the intent behind ?

Lust , sloth,greed,pride and envy are asked by Lucifer to pick up second task . The task is to make an invasion but where ?

The dungeon  

Envy : tO LUST , pride , envy and sloth ...

Envy : we have to be careful when we visit this time, as the security is tight . We collected lots of sample last time , because of that there is a tension in The place . So just be careful , we already have used that stuff and remember " The Potion " Tree permits only one fruit to one . So if we are going in , each will have one to himself and herself and there is a possibilty that our keys dont work as the other side is closed up . Heaven is strict about any invasion this time. 

This time the potion fruit is neede for the most purposeful Job . Make sure we dont miss on it , This time we have to get five . and this will create "potion of five senses".

Pride : Everyone is happy as no one has been successful for ages to finish this project , We are the best batch so far . 

Lucifer walks in and asks all the five sins "lust,envy,sloth,pride and envy " to come closer as other two greed and tony left . Lucifer opens up a board and asks each one to drop droplets of blood . All the five pinches their finger to pour blood . Greed and Tony blood shall be taken afterwards . What is this stuff and why isthe blood droplet reuired. Are there any magical qualities to this board and what purpose will it serve . all th five leaves to collect the potion fruit but from where ?

In the eden garden 

There is a dungeon going beneath the potion tree. The security is tight. Suddendly in the mid night the dungeon opens as the five sins enter . They secretly climbs the potion tree and collects five potion fruit . While they are about to leave through the secret dungeon . The security walks in and gets suspicious of invasion. Suddenly the alarm goes off and the entire compound fills with security guards . This time even in the tighest security the invasion is happening . 

All the five sins are worried . Mother Venus , star, tim and others walk in to casta  spell on the dungeon door , a secret passage that is going through the dungeon as they have understood, why and how the invasion was made . So professor tim , venus and others binds the door with some spells. The door is sealed and they look for invaders . but finds no one .

Envy : still hiding in the eden garden says , we are stuck we should have never taken that chance , we knew something is not right . They have understood the invasion. 

Pride : take pride in everything you do. We have all five potion fruit , this is all we needed to fulfill the purpose . This purpose is the biggest task in hell. If we succesfully achieve this , we will be rewarded. But as in for now , where shall we leave to . Envy , I am sure there is a way out . Lust will guide us and they all smile.

Lust guides them to someplace in dormitory and are amazed to see how heaven is beutifully made. 

Envy : Seems like a fairy land to me . How come our placelooks so wrathful . Lust : as we are sin , not virtues .

All laugh together. They wait in some place inside the heaven . Noone catches the sight . Pride in the meanwhile trying to find a place to sneak out of heaven as their purpose should not be exposed.

Greed and tony somewhere in an island .

Greed : We have to shed our blood drop to fetch the blessing of the island and only then we will get what we came in for . Both greed and tony sheds their blood . I return the island offers them a reward . What is this reward and what purpose will this serve. 

(suspense that will be revealed in the upcoming part)

Falling In Love With The Cardinal Sinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें