Part 8 : VIBGYOR

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In the previous part we have seen how Chastity, Pete, and cupid sneaks out to see Aurora, created by North. Let us see what happens next.

Morning Class room

Welcome to Vigour. 

You all will be allotted classes according to the virtues assigned to you. You will be learning better skills and usage of them in immortal life. As we see on day-to-day basis, we have lots of good souls walking in, you must do research on Earthly life, human being foundations and sins. You have talk to these souls as they have worked all their life according to God's path, learn and analyse what all difficulties they faced and how the path of evilness tried to deviate them.

You are all mortal creations and are away from sins. But since few of our creation turned hostile against God, he planned that you all should learn what prompted them to commit these sins and why they deviated from the path of God. This is a compulsory study as these beings have suffered a lot in Earthly life at the hands of Evil. Devil is present on Earth in various forms and those who deviates from the God's path makes him more powerful. Devil tries every time to deviate the God's plan and always create hinderance in his way. Only the mortal good souls help to keep the balance. If the evil continues to spread in the world, then one day we will have no pure mortal souls and the Hell will be full. God's plan is to teach other creations to be kind, helpful and humble. This is the reason God created Virtues

Generosity: If we already have immortal souls who have lived their life as per God's plan then there is no point for us to learn something from them as we already follow his plans.

Professor Tim: YOU must understand, you will have these Immortal souls here in the classrooms to study with you. This is joint venture. They have lived through the mortal world and now are immortal. They are new here and needs to learn Heaven's way of working, know about different realms and be aware of surroundings. Also, these immortal souls have walked through the world and they know the worldly struggles so they can exchange their knowledge with you all.

Chastity: but sir, why we need to acquire the worldly knowledge, as we are God's children and work according to him. We can teach these souls our way of working but why we need to learn what happens on Earth. It should not be our business.

Hume: That is not true. We need to know about earth and how evil is prevalent there. Adam and Eve were also God's noblest children but deviated from God's plan and suffered rest of their lives as mortal beings on earth. It was a new phase and they had their own struggles. God had different plans from them, but things changed and did not go as per planned.

Professor Tim: Also, there can be mishappenings anytime, we do not know what is coming next. Earthly sins will tell us about modifications that the devil is doing and what He is coming up next.

Gini: Professor you are an expertise in relationships. I want to know if there is so much Sin on Earth, then why there is still a balance created. I have read somewhere that when Sins would overtake Virtues then the Earth shall perish and that will be the judgement Day.

Professor Tim: Bingo! Good point Gini. If the earth gets perished then it will be a change to God's plan and Devil would win. All souls will be impure and it will impact the realms of universe. It is very important to keep this balance. Earth is beautiful and The God's plan is to keep that balance going. Earth is like an examination hall for spirits that are God's creation. This is the most difficult exam. It is not easy to keep calm and composed in circumstances where evil is so prevalent. Evil is luring and easy to absorb. Difficult is to remain on path of Virtues. Balance is essential.

Dil: Sir I want to ask you, Can Good take over Evil? Can there be change of heart? Can goodness take over evil.

Professor Tim: Yes, and vice versa. As Goodness has powers to change and shift the vision, perception, and heart of a person. Similarly, Evil can also take over. There have been many instances where evil has been taken over by Goodness. An evil person also has some goodness on Him. Due to circumstances or other reasons, evilness captures and take over their heart. This is the job you all need to do. If Evilness is taking over, then you must treat them with virtues to keep goodness win over evil.

Gini: If evilness takes over the Earth, then what shall happen professor?

Pete: Laughing, then you forever shall go to hell and serve Devil.......

Everyone Laughs...

Chastity: Why would one deviate from path of God if they are His creation?

Professor Tim:  Free Will. Every creation is created as per God's plan but everyone is also given A free will. This free will gives you choice to pick right or wrong. Will power be the rarest combination God created and is a very tedious formula that only God knows of. It is the most difficult task for a creation to control will and this is where Goodness and evilness play role. Controlled will power is God's way of Life and bad choices are not.

Dil: Sir, sometimes I have an urge to see what evil looks like as in can we Get a glimpse of how evil works and performs so that we can better work on Virtues.

Professor Tim: For that you have see sins on Earth. You have to choose whether to work for good or bad. These are two sides of the same coin. Choice is yours.

Hume: Sir I have heard that as we are creation of God, Devil too has creations. Is that true?

Professor: Yes, it is been said that Devil was his creation as He chose a different path.He also had free will. Its been said that HE never liked God's idea of Mortal beings. His plans include luring Humans to do evil and deviate from path of God.

Pete: what is the purpose of Devil? Sir.

Professor Tim: Nothing, just spoil God's plan. By deceiving other creations, he wants them to Sin and deviate from God's path. 

Gini: Why Did not God casted him out of Heaven like ADAM and EVE.

Professor Tim: Smart Gini! Adam and Eve were God's noblest children without the knowledge of Evils. Devil is Evil. We cannot compare one with the other. Adam and Eve wer punished for their Sins. Devil is evil and in God's world there is no place for evil.

Chastity: What world does Devil resides in? What does it look like Sir?

Professor Tim:  Lifeless,meaningless,worthless and full of sufferings. Forever burns in the fire of hell.

That is, it for today Kids.... See you next week....


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