Part 13 : The heal

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 In the previous part we have seen How Cupid, Chastity and Pete with hume and others make a plan to visit the healing fountain. Let's see what happens next.

Late at night 

Chastity : why are we leaving at this late hour when evryone is asleep?

Hume : Because we do't wanna get caught.

Pete : As discussed this fountain is visible only at night and becomes invisible in the day time. Healing fountain doesn't want itself to get explored. Its water has great healing qualities. Sometimes it can be misused. So it is a two hour trek to reach there . Let's leave.

Hume: Ladies make sure you are using your trekking shoes. 

Pete : considerate Hume. Always worried about ladies.

Chastity: Let's go

Everyone leaves. After a trek of two hours, finally the destination is reached. 

Dil : This is strange, it seems milk is flowing through this fountain but there is no sound, how is that even possible.?

Hume : This is why it is a healing fountain , it doesnt make sound and kepp itself hidden .

Pete : How did we find it so easily  ? If we can anyone can too? 

Hume : Nope ! that is not true . Everyone doesnt have Cupid with them . Cupid has an inbirth quality , all the hidden things become visible to him. 

Chastity: Cid (cupid) look at you , you are glowing in the dark.

Hume exactly , the purest thing makes cupid glow. When we started the trek, cupid acted as a guide to the map. 

Dil: woah ! Amazing 

 Lets go near it.

Dil: I was wondering if i fill  some of it in a bottle will it be milky or transparent.

Cupid: though I am the desire guru yet I can tell you , if you fill from healing fountain then at day time it will be transparent but at night it will glow like milk. 

Hume: Amazing Indeed. I have never seen something like it .

Chastity: Pete I was wondering , if we are all mortal whats the point of having the healing fountain at all. 

Every thing has a purpose. If this fountain has been here for forever it must be serving some purpose. 

Chastity: I told you we can get a wounded bird or animal to this and see it works.

Pete : It is forbidden, to being any  mortal being in here.

Chastity : Well..........................................................

Cupid : Lets fill the bottle and get out of here. Rember we have to trek back to the Dorms.


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