Chapter 5 : Eden Garden

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In the last part we have seen how God addresses his children Chastity,Humility,Generosity,Patience,Temperance,Charity, Diligence. He tells them all to lead a Virtuous life and follow his path. Today they are visiting Eden Gardens for the first time.

Eden gardens:

Pete: (patience) Do you know Why Eden garden was created by Father Chas(chastity)?

Chas: Even if I know , you still have something better to tell. Tell me.

Chas : Father will not explain us in details but when I was in the Dorm , I overheard Goddess 

Venus talking to cupid. Cupid asked that we were going on a visit to Eden gardens . Goddess 

Venus said : Eden Garden is the gateway to Heaven for the God's creation. All the mortal beings 

on Earth when follow the path of God enters through Eden Garden.

Cupid : Hi, not only this mother said that Eden Garden Is the God's one of the best creation . This

 garden has tree of life, Trees of pearls and diamonds. Rivers of milk, honey.Also it has trees of

marshmallows and cotton candies. Some tree even have jewels and also she said that here the

 flowers bloom all year round and none shed their leaves and petals. The fragrance of flowers

 reaches all realms but no other are allowed to peek in as it is surrounded by clouds and also

 gated by angels with firey swords.Mother said we can see noble spirits in and around here,

 spirits that were mortal earlier and after their bodies died on Earth, they became Immortal.

Pete : I know Cid , You have all the knowledge afterall your mother is Goddess Venus.

Chastity : So true . She is so charismatic.

Hume(humility): Anyone in for a sweet treat, I just found out the marshmallow trees.

Dil: Forget about Marshmallows try cotton candy, its just Heaven.

"look at my Earrings, I found on the Jewel tree" said Gini

Chastity: Wonderful indeed. Does that tree has the same design?

"I will just go and check" said Gini

Pete : I will show you something Chas. Come on here.

Walking slowly towards a tree......................................................

Tree of Good and Evil

This is the tree of Good and Evil, remember father told us to stay away from. It's so different from

 the rest isn't ?

Chastity: Yha,its even baricated....Look at the Apples. so shiny and glowy. I have never seen

apples that big.

Pete : wanna eat?

Chastity: Hell No! Let's go from here.

Cupid: Chas do you know Adam and Eve ate one of these. They were banished from Heaven .

Pete and chas together tell us more.

Cupid: Adam and Eve were the most dear one's to God . They were very innocent and away from

 all the sins. They would roam around the Eden Gardens freely. They would have bare bodies.

They were yet not mortal. They had spiritual life and were under the shadow of God. Devil the 

king of forbidden kingdom Sneeked into Eden gradens and tempted eve and adam to eat the 

fruit. Once they ate it, they acknowledged what was good and evil. THeir physical condition 

changed and they became mortal. They tried to cover their bodies as they felt the shame to 

roam around naked. They suffered spiritual death. God was disappointed as they betrayed him 

and decided to send them to Earth , a place reserved for the mortal beings. God covered their 

bodies with animal skin and banished them out. I have also heard that while banishing them to 

Earth God punished Eve with "Pain in childbirth" and punished Adam with"toil for subsistence"

POOR souls.

They defied God's order and they deserved this punishment said Chastity.

Peter : Hey cupid I have heard when you were born, you had some magical tricks. I have been

 told that with your bow and arrows you can sprinkle magic and arouse desires.

Cupid: You are talking aboutmy Phitrum. Yes but it works only when the seed of love is born in

 one's heart. Otherwise it wont work.

YHA and when you sleep , you sleep with a blind fold on, Isn't : Pete Laughing ha ha ha ha ha .

"Love is blind" said Pete.

Chasity: Come on my palm cid...

(Cupid sits on the palm of chas hand)

Gini : I got you this pair of earrings Chastity. I found them on a different tree. try on. Hey Cupid

 let's go over there,I can fit you in my pocket if you are sleepy.

Pete : Don't worry Gini. He is good with us. Cid did mother venus ever told you why you were 

born so small in size.

Cupid : yes , ofcourse as I represent love between two kinds.

Chasity: Pete don't you know cid can also with his bow and arrow generate many of his kinds. I 

mean many cupid just by one arrow.

Cupid : see my talent , I am just too good. I can create over 100 cupids at a party or gathering and

make them sing, dance and also serve food.

Everyone Laughing...

The eden garden scene continues in the next chapter 6

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