Part 18: Casa Lily Island

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In the last chapter we have seen how the interactions between Tim and students caused worry in Him. Tim told the students to stay away from forbidden realms and points near Heaven but curiousness taking over . Lets see what happens next. 

Back in Porch of Dorms 

Chastity thinking about what had happened in the classrom and why was Professor Tim not sharing information on the esssence that LU used to wipe her face from deadly ashes. What could be that essence that removed it while some have suffered severe infections. How was she saved and where did LU got this essence from?

Will He share this secret with her , if they or anyone ever get trapped ,this essence can save so many creations who got trapped in ashes attack. Thinking about all this She decides to leave for trail as always she met LU in there. Hoping She could meet him and request Him to share his  secret , she decides to leave for trail.


Chastity  sneaks fromm Dorm in the hope of meeting Lu. In the trail she spends lot of time but there is no sign of Him. Trying to return in dissapointment Chas thinks probably He has returned back to his realm. Dry leaves cracks, Chas turns back LU appears.

Chastity : So  good to see you Lu?

Lu: Seems someone is missing me badly. I was looking at you for more than two hours , it was fun to see you worried. What quest now brings you here madam ?

Chas: Lu , yesterday we had session in classrom where someone discussed about hells deadly ashes. No one could ever remove them off? Only feww had acess. Where did you find that essence from ?

Lu: Madam everthing has a price to pay. That essence asks for a price which everyone cannot pay. So forget about it and chillax.

Chas : No I wanna know this can save so many who gets trapped in ashes. No one has ever spoken of it ever. 

LU: Must be a reason for it Chas.

Chas : Could you please please share it with me !

Lu: I dont know why but since I met you it seems you are a spy and trying to seek every secret I know off.

Chas : Thats not true . You were kind enough to save me and I think everyone else can be saved too , I am just trying to seek a cure.

Lu: If you seek the cure then everyone would try to sneak in . Isnt Chas? Why would you wanna get that world explored by those who should not ?

Chas : I am not inviting creations in there but if there is a possibilty to help those who badly needs. Sometimes creations are unaware and mistakenly reach there. 

Lu : Curious Madam Chas , Well if I tell you there is no point as that Valley is far from here and the Vultures protecting it will smell your innocent soul and attack you. Also that valley doesnot allow vulnerable like you . Also you cannot pay there price so Big deal for you. If you are so persistent then what I can do is to hand you little drops that I managed to get last time . 

Chas : No please take me there , I just wanna see. No one would know help me Lu.

LU: Ladies problem , Just a please and get the job done .

Chas : Thats not true .

LU: Vultures of valley can smell on you and you may be under attack.

Chasity  silent for a moment and then says why will you not be underattack?

LU: Coz madam I come from a different realm.

LU: Ok I will take you there but you are at your own risk. And you have to follow my instructions. First  of all if they smell on you , you will be under attack . Further , You have use my rob as it has my smell so , you can ditch them by showing you come from my realm too. Also , there is a fees to pay and you will certanly not like it , so keep your mouth shut . 

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