25 - The decision (Mikaela)

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In a huge atrium inside the palace of the North Star, an audience began

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In a huge atrium inside the palace of the North Star, an audience began. Mikaela and the boys sat beside Noelle and looked toward the center of the room, where Khione was standing before the audience.

Their seats were on the third floor and all the others were filled with elves who were also watching the prisoner anxiously. Not for the first time, she wondered how many of them there were in the palace and how big the place really was.

The titan of wind told everything she knew about the resurgence of the sorceress of eternal winter and her participation in the events. Judging by the way Noelle was gripping the handle of her battle axe, she guessed the Valkyrie didn't like what she'd just heard one bit.

"Did you, Jack Frost, and the Spirit of the Hunt summon the sorceress of the eternal winter?" the warrior asked in a cold voice.

"Our original plan was just to rid the world of the plague of humanity. Jack summoned the sorceress so that she could bury the world under the longest, coldest winter since the ice age. Mankind wouldn't last more than a few months, and then we would undo the summoning ritual." Khione replied and then hugged her arms in what Mikaela thought was a nervous gesture. "However, the wolf betrayed us and helped Laurielltharandresthornvërnn break free of our will. After that, she started acting on her own. She has been capturing humans to imprison them in ice towers that her servants are building around the world, and uses the soul force of her victims to maintain herself in this world. Uniting the strength of the captives' souls with the essence of Jack and Claus, who knows how long she will be able to prolong her stay in the world of men?"

Suddenly, Daniel stood up and faced Khione very seriously.

"I'd like to say that we already agreed to call this crazy woman Lauriel. You know, it makes everyone's life simpler here." He declared and sat back down.

Mikaela didn't know where to stick her face, and beside her Thomas stifled a laugh. Noelle shot Daniel a look that seemed to say, "One more interruption, and I'll hurl you back to the South Pole myself." The rocker swallowed hard and kept very still and quiet. Then, turning to the titan, she said.

"The summoning ritual involves the will of most of the three spellcasters; even if only one of you were to disagree, the sorceress' will would not be able to override the order you and Jack gave her." She rested her chin on the shaft of her axe and smirked at her prisoner. "The wolf wasn't the only one who betrayed you, you fool!"

Mikaela realized that those words stirred the wind titan because her body became material. She had white, almost transparent skin and hair that looked like it was made of silver.

"Jack would never let the eternal winter free! He loves the earth as much as I do and understands the only problem is humans!"

"Then, how do you explain what happened?" Noelle hit the ground with the shaft of her axe, the sound echoing throughout the atrium.

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