24 - Winds of change (Daniel)

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Daniel looked at the army of monsters that surrounded them and trembled

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Daniel looked at the army of monsters that surrounded them and trembled. Even though his entire body was covered in flames, the cold of the South Pole still made him shiver. Or maybe the tremor had more to do with the ice giants, whom Noelle had called Jotuns, and the shark-toothed snowmen looking at him like he was their afternoon snack.

What would Jonas do? If he had the power I have, what would he do?

One of the jotuns let out a battle cry and raised his axe above his head. He also screamed and threw a ball of fire between the giant's legs. The monster roared in pain, dropped the axe, and lay in a fetal position in the snow.

"WHO'S NEXT?" He asked, preparing another fireball.

Instead of retreating, all the enemies rush at them at once.

"Stay behind me!" Thomas slammed his shield into the ground and threw a wave of golden power at the snowmen, destroying some of them.

Mikaela looked down at the ground and slammed her stick into broken pieces of ice the size of baseballs, sending each piece flying off a giant's head. The monster put a hand in front of its face to defend itself, and Daniel took advantage of the distraction to throw another fireball at the man's sensible parts. The Jotun joined his brother, who was still moaning in pain.

In a wave of suicide attacks, dozens of snowmen threw themselves on top of the fire barrier until part of it was extinguished, creating a passage for the others. Daniel cursed and prepared for the worst, now that nothing stood in the way of a direct attack. But before anything could happen, the wind enveloped them.

The winds flew out of nowhere and soon formed a huge tornado around them that destroyed snowmen and hurled giants to the ground.

"Which one of you is doing this?" he asked, but the expression on Thomas and Mikaela's faces told him that neither of them could explain the event.

The figure of a girl formed in front of them—a girl made of wind.

"Stay together and don't try to walk away from me!" Khione said, flying into the sky.

Daniel felt the force of the wind lift him off the ground; beside him, Mikaela and Thomas were also carried, and soon they were all taken to the sky like leaves being dragged by the wind. Everything happened so fast; the frost giants became small figures in the ground, and Khione increased the speed with which they traveled until everything he could see around him became a blur.

"Where are you taking us?" he managed to ask.

In a second, breathing became a very difficult task. The wind girl didn't even look in his direction when she replied:

"To the North Pole!"

Daniel didn't understand anything and couldn't even think about it. He felt like fainting, and he let himself be carried away by the wind.

When he woke up, Daniel felt like he was on the ground because his face was almost stuck in the snow. Grumbling, he got to his feet and looked around. Thomas and Mikaela were beside him, as disoriented as he was. A few steps in front of him, he could see immense walls and, behind them, what looked like the towers of some kind of colossal palace. The Palace of the North Star?

" Why did you help us? " Mikaela asked someone Daniel couldn't see.

Then Khione materialized in front of them with her weird body made of wind that constantly appeared and disappeared.

"I had my reasons, human, but I don't intend to discuss them with you. Where is...?"

The wind girl was interrupted by a spear that pierced her chest, with no effect at all, of course.

"Khione, give me one good reason not to disintegrate you." Noelle commanded, she and her horse approached them, galloping through the air.

Khione glanced at the blonde warrior and her flying mount.

"Your magic spear cannot touch me, Valkyrie!" She said, smiling. "I suggest you behave; after all, I saved those little brats' and brought them to you safe and sound."

Finally giving in to the feeling of nausea, Daniel got to his knees and threw up.

"Well, those two over there look good to me," Khione corrected herself. "Fireboy might need some help, but other than that, they look just fine."

Unaffected by her opponent's flippant attitude, Noelle spoke again.

"My spear was just a way to get your attention, Titan of the Wind. Don't think I don't know how to deal with you, I've faced far worse in the past."

Noelle landed and walked closer until she was face-to-face with the Titan. Daniel bent down and scooped up a handful of snow, which he tried to wipe his mouth with. Even though he felt worse than a punching bag, he tried to pay attention to what was going on. Next to him, Thomas and Mikaela also watched everything in silence.

"Give me a reason not to destroy you right here, right now!" The valkyrie spoke very slowly, and Daniel saw small rays dance inside the warrior's blue eyes.

Alarmed, he glanced at Khione.

Wind girl, I think it's good to have a fantastic reason.

He didn't like Khione, but he had to admit that for a handful of wind, she had a lot of nerve. She didn't look intimidated by the valkyrie, and to make matters worse, she laughed in her face before answering:

"Unless you know what the sorceress of winter is really up to, where she's feeding her magic, and have a plan to stop her, I'm your best shot at victory."

The gates in the wall opened, and a small army of elves led by Ylerio approached, but when Noelle raised her hand, they all lowered their magic canes and waited.

"Very well." The Valkyrie declared. " Welcome to the palace of the north star, Khione. You are our prisoner until I say otherwise, and I think it's good that your plan is as good as you imagine."

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Why do you think Khione changed sides in this battle?Also, in a fight between the girl of the wind and our valkyrie... who do you think would win?

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