Chapter 16 - Gender Reveal

Start from the beginning

Michael's reply came swiftly, cutting through her uncertainty. "No problem, Mckayla. I can give you a ride. I'll take a look at the tire later."

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Mckayla's tension eased.

Within 10 minutes, Michael's Ford pickup pulled into her driveway. She stepped into his car with gratitude on her lips. "Hi, thank you."

"No worries," Michael's reply was easygoing. He wore blue jeans, a white muscle shirt, and brown leather boots. Wet, sandy brown hair hinted at a recent shower, and the scent of sandalwood trailed him. Mckayla's gaze lingered – this was Michael as she'd never seen before, far from his usual suit-clad demeanor.

Michael caught her stare, and a grin spread across his face. Mckayla quickly turned her gaze to the road. He took her silence as permission and turned up the music, country melodies filling the air.

"Well, try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road

Around here, we take care of our own..."

Mckayla disliked country music as the music flowed, but she wouldn't complain. It's his car.


In the cozy, pastel-hued room, sunlight filtered through the blinds, casting a warm, hazy glow over everything. The air carried the faint scent of antiseptic and the sterile rustle of paper gowns. Mckayla sat on the examination table, her fingers tracing the edge of her gown, her gaze fixed on a spot on the floor. Michael sat beside her, his posture slightly tense, tapping his knee nervously.

Dr. Chidi entered the room with a reassuring smile that reached her eyes, her lab coat swaying lightly with each step. "Good morning; how y'all feeling today?"

Mckayla mumbled a noncommittal response while Michael cleared his throat and answered, "We're a bit nervous, to be honest.."

The doctor nodded, her attention turning to her computer screen as she reviewed Mckayla's medical chart. "Nerves are natural, especially during y'all first ultrasound. So, Mckayla, How has your pregnancy been progressing?"

Mckayla's gaze remained fixed on the floor as she answered, "Fine, I guess."

Dr. Chidi leaned back, her chair creaking slightly. "Any symptoms or concerns you'd like to discuss?"

Mckayla shook her head no, "a bit worry about how small the baby bump is."

The doctor nodded, her gaze shifting between the two. "The size of the baby bump varies, don't worry. Enjoy it because you will wish it was small later in your pregnancy. Now, today we'll be conducting a checkup and an ultrasound. Are you both ready?"

Mckayla's fingers clenched the edge of her gown, and she nodded almost imperceptibly. Dr. Chidi's gloved hands moved with efficiency, positioning the ultrasound wand on Mckayla's abdomen. The cool gel made her flinch slightly, and her muscles tensed under its touch.

As the machine whirred to life, the room was filled with the soft, rhythmic whoosh of the baby's heartbeat. Mckayla's breath hitched, and she closed her eyes, trying to remain detached from the experience. Michael's gaze never left the monitor. The image slowly came into view – a tiny, moving figure on the screen.

"Here we go," Dr. Chidi announced, her voice holding a note of excitement. "That's your baby right there."

Mckayla forced herself to glance at the screen, her heart constricting at the sight of the tiny life within her. She noticed Michael's face softening and his eyes locked onto the monitor.

"Your baby is growing well, measuring right on track," Dr. Chidi announced, her gaze shifting between the screen and the expectant faces before her.

"What's... what's the gender?" Michael asked, his voice quivering with anticipation.

Dr. Chidi smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Let me reveal that to you." She maneuvered the wand a bit, and then the image on the screen sharpened, showing a clear view of the baby.

"It's a boy," the doctor announced, her voice carrying a warmth that enveloped the room.

Michael's face broke into a radiant smile, his eyes glistening with tears of joy. "A son," he breathed, his voice barely containing his emotions.

Dr. Chidi gently removed the ultrasound wand, allowing Mckayla to sit up. "Everything looks healthy and normal," she said, her gaze moving between the two. "Now, do you have any questions or concerns?"

Michael spoke up, his determination unwavering. "Dr. Chidi, what do we need to do to make sure the baby is well taken care of during the rest of the pregnancy?"

McKayla was taken aback by his sincerity as she glanced at him. Dr. Chidi exchanged a knowing look with her before responding to Michael's inquiries.

As they discussed prenatal care, Mckayla's inner turmoil intensified, like a whirlwind of conflicting feelings doing a dance inside her. Dr. Chidi turned to Mckayla, giving her a thoughtful look. "You mention adoption previously, and you are in luck. Our adoption coordinator, Lisa, is here today. Would you like to speak with her?"

Michael's face twisted into a scowl, his words a low growl, "Hell no."

Mckayla's eyes flashed, her defiance cutting through the charged atmosphere, "Actually, yeah. I want to."

Dr. Chidi exchanged a quick, almost uncomfortable glance between them, before continuing, "Okay, if you choose to see her, she's in room 318," She handed the printed ultrasound images to Michael, her tone taking on a more distant professionalism. "Take care and enjoy your holidays." With that, Dr. Chidi made her swift exit, leaving behind a room seething with unresolved emotions.

With the doctor's departure, Mckayla slid off the examination table and began to dress, kind of rushing but also thinking things through. Michael's voice sliced through the silence, laden with bitterness brewing beneath the surface. "Are you really going to speak with the adoption coordinator?"

Yes," Mckayla simply responded as she continued getting dressed.

His lips formed a thin line. He let out an exasperated sigh; his words tinged with hurt. "The images of our son didn't do anything for you?"


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