"I have an idea about the Dumbledore situation" he started

"I received a bottle of mead from my mother and I thought we could poison it and somehow give it to Dumbledore" he said

"That's not a bad idea actually but How do we get it to him tho?" I asked

"I was thinking we could plant it for slughorn to give to him" he replied

"We could do it during the Christmas party and he's distracted" I suggested

"Brilliant, what day is it again?" He asked

"Well his dinner is November 28th and the party is December 3rd" I said

"We should probably do the party, less people to see us" he said

"Fine il keep slughorn distracted whilst you plant it" I said

"Fine il see you there then" he said

I nodded as he got up and left.

I didn't like how vague our chats were now.

I loved how we would talk every day and be with each other all the time.

Now it's never be with each other and talk like once every 2 weeks but only ever about the task.

Does he hate me that much?

The door opened and pansy walked in.

"I have a very good idea" she said with a mischievous grin

"And what is that?" I asked

"I just heard Astoria talking about how much she loves her hair so I had the brilliant idea of putting a little something in her hair mask" she giggled

"You mean dye her hair?" I said grinning

"Exactly" she said

"I love it, when do we start?" I asked

"Right now, your coming to hogsmead with me" she said pulling my arm

"Right" I said going with her

We walked down to the carriages and hopped in the first one.

It had snowed last night so everything was covered in a thick blanket.

I loved how the world looked this time of year.

I remember seeing snowfall when I was little out of my bedroom window.

It was the first time it had properly snowed and I ran down the hallway to Dracos room.

I then proceeded to drag him outside to build a snowman with me.

We named him frosty.

He had a crooked carrot nose, grey stones for buttons and two twigs for arms.

It was one of my favourite memories from my childhood.

Draco and I were so close when we were little but it faded once we started Hogwarts.

I missed it.

We were so young and naive to what was going on in the world around us.

The carriage pulled up outside the hair shop and we got off heading inside.

We located the hair dye at the back of the shop.

"What colour do we go?" Pansy asked

"Something funky" I replied

"Like this" I said holding up a turquoise blue.

"Perfect" she said and we went to the counter to pay.

We stood outside and didn't want to head back to the castle just yet.

"Why don't we go to honeydukes?" I suggested

"Ooh yeah I really fancy some chocolate frogs" she said

We walked across the road and into the sweet shop.

As soon as we stepped in we were bombarded with the smell of candy.

Pansy got her chocolate frogs and I got some fudge flies for Theo as their his favourite.

We got a carriage back to the castle after that.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now