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Life is like a box of chocolates.
You never know you're
gonna get.
                                                             -Forrest Gump

Life teaches us the biggest lessons.

Life keeps us moving day by day. We move on cuz we want to. We only move on when we focus on our present. The past is a place to learn not to live in,the present is a place to live in.

At some phases we do remember the past cuz strong memories can't be forgotten,It's good to do it cuz we learn from it.

Our present is beautiful.

Each moment is a chance to make a beautiful new memory in our life.

Each moment is precious.

The most precious moment is the moment when your wish gets fulfilled,feeling like a dream and you want to live in it.

Live the moment.

The moment that will never come again in your life.

"I'm nervous." Taehyung chuckled and that made the people present at their special day laugh.

He cleared his throat to say his speech,the speech he had been practicing for a week,he didn't know if he was going to memorize it all,he was going to let his heart speak.

He held Hyuna's hands and looked at her straight in the eye.

Looking at his beautiful bride.

"I feel like I've confessed to you more than a hundred times but I'll never get tired of telling you..... How much I love you,Park Hyuna. Taehyung let out a breath,feeling overwhelmed with so many emotions.

Tulip, I never thought I would meet you in my life but looks like... it was destiny and I thank it for making us meet cuz you're the woman that brings out the best of me.

I was a sad man before you came again in my life but you made me happy again,you brought me out of the dark and lighted my life again with your precious love. He felt tears in his eyes,while Hyuna was already in ocean of tears cuz she was so overwhelmed.

I love it when you're mad and I come pacify you,waiting for you at the shooting set,laughing with you for some odd reasons,doing all the craziest things cuz you make me crazier for your love. He smiled,tears sneaking into his mouth.

Yesterday doesn't matter,tomorrow doesn't matter what matters it's today and the fact that you make me happier. And if you let me,I'll will like to spend the rest of my life with you and shower you with all my love. Will you marry me?" Taehyung asked in his tears.

The people watching them crying too cuz the moment was beautiful.

"Y-yes." Hyuna said shaking her head 'yes' vigorously.

Taehyung took the ring and put it on Hyuna's finger. Hyuna also took a ring and and put it on Taehyung's finger.

She planned to tell many things to the man but she was too overwhelmed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." The two kissed sealing their marriage,connecting their bodies mentally and physically.

A Present For My Ex √ K.TH|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now