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Ignore the mistakes

"How dare you do this to your mother,Sooya?" The mother said in anger over the call.

"You did a wrong thing,Eomma. The daughter replies. You actually deserve it." She said then cut the call cuz her mood was completely bad.

"Don't worry. You did the right thing." Yeji said patting her best friend's shoulder.

"She is my mother but she... Yeji,I don't want anything to happen to Hyuna along with my daughter because of my mother." Sooya said suddenly breaking down.

Yeji hugged her best friend and let her cry on her chest.

It happened so fast.

Everything was so fast.

Finding Hyuna lying on the floor unconscious under the shower at the bathroom was the last thing everyone thought.

When Sooya found out that it was her mother's tactics again,she decided to file a case on her cuz what she was doing was against the law. She knew it wasn't good to put her mother in jail but then... She deserved it for trying to ruin someone's reputation.

The woman was scared.

Hyuna's pregnant was already complicated.

She was scared with what ifs.

Jungkook was there too but didn't know how to comfort Sooya regarding to what happened back at the park. He wanted to be out of the chapter without wrecking himself apart... He just wanted to say Goodbye to the people.

Meanwhile Taehyung wasn't fine too.

He was pacing in the corridor waiting for the doctor to come out.

After what felt like hours which was just half an hour,the doctor came out. The family run to the Doctor to bombard him with questions.

Doc,How is she?

Is she fine?

How is the baby?

Those where the questions that the doctor received.

"Mr Kim,I want you in my office." The Doctor said.

"I'm the mother,shouldn't I come too?" Sooya asked.

"You can come."

The couple was sitting on the chairs in  the Doctor's cabin. Both of them fidgeting their fingers.

That feeling when you're scared and nervous.

Both of them hoping that everything was fine but being called by a doctor like didn't sit well with Taehyung.

He had a bad feeling.

A feeling that something was wrong with Hyuna's pregnant.

Sooya was nervous too.

So nervous.

"What happened,Doc?" Taehyung asked when the Doctor sat on his chair.

"Ms Park has to undergo preterm labour." The Doctor said.

"Preterm labour? Doctor won't that affect her?" Taehyung asked in worry.

"If she keeps the pregnant till next month then there will be high chances of her and the infant not surviving the day of birth. The Doctor explained and the couple was in deep shock.

I told your wife and Ms Park before that she shouldn't be in stress and what happened today.... I'm sorry but her blood pressure is so high and it's affecting her. There is a chance she can be stressed again and that will not be good." The Doctor concluded.

"But Doc,Isn't it risky? Will they be fine?" Sooya asked nervously.

"They will be fine but...

"But what?" The couple asked in unison.

"Ms Park is in a depression state and there is a high chance that she can go to comatose after the birth cuz her body isn't responding much." The Doctor explained which shocked the couple.

"Then cancel it. Taehyung said abruptly. I can't see Hyuna in coma." He said with so many waves of emotion.

He didn't know why it was all happening on the same day.

He wanted the day that started good to end good but it ended up to be the worse day of their lives.

One thing for sure was that.... He couldn't see Hyuna lifeless on a hospital bed.

That would break him apart.

"Tae,she will die if she won't give birth now." Sooya tried to explain but Taehyung wasn't thinking straight.

"Sooya,she will be in coma! He whisper yelled. I can't be fine seeing her lifeless." He said.

"Then will you stand seeing her dead?" Sooya asked,she wasn't like what was happening but the way Taehyung was acting.... it was confusing her more like she wanted to know why Taehyung cared much for the woman.

She cared too for Hyuna but for her husband....

It seemed much.

"Can we talk to her family first,Doc?" Taehyung requested after calming herself.

"You can. But you have an hour to decide or it won't be good." The Doctor said.

No parent can let their child be on the chain of life and death.

Hyuna's life was on the line.

The line of life and death.

The mother didn't want to lose her only daughter but then.....

It was so complicated.

A risky decision.

A decision that had no good results....

The infant was going to be born but a premature baby always has highly chances to face death.

Hyuna was going to be lifeless after birth.

The Doctor didn't say but a person in Coma also has high chances of dying when the body don't want to respond.

All the options were risky.

All had death in it.


Sorry for the boring chap and short chap.

Good Night.

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