"I'm speaking with Ash and I'm getting this sorted" Calum confirmed, standing up and helping Demi up.

Demi sighed knowing any attempt to stop him would be like talking to a brick wall. "Tread carefully with him Cal" she weakly smiled as they descended down into the house. "I'll go and sort us some breakfast"

Just as they were to part ways, Calum grabbed her hand and brought her body close to his, his hand tilted her chin up. Her chest tightened at their proximity as her eyes slowly fell to his lips and returned to his eyes only to realize he had done this too.

"We shouldn't" he muttered, his lips almost grazing hers. A shudder fell down her spine. Her own heartbeat boomed through her ears as the tension screamed around them.

"Life's too short" she breathed, her eyes shutting. Shoving her back against the door, hungrily Calum crashed his lips against hers. It was breathless and messy; needy and desperate. His hands fixed her in place as hers slipped underneath his t-shirt and roamed his chest.

The creak of a door down the hallway brought an abrupt end to their rebellious escapade. Demi rested her head against the wall as she regained her composure. Calum pecked her lips lightly before leaving her against the wall in pursuit to save his girl from the wrath of Ash.

Her fingers traced her mouth as she fangirled over being kissed… It had been a long time since anyone had given her any kind of affection.

She straightened out her outfit that had been tousled by Calum's rough, calloused hands and made her way to the kitchen.

"How on earth do they survive?" she exclaimed as she found a pitiful amount of food. Her mind casted back to the drive here and she tried to remember if they had passed a convenience store.

Vaguely remembering a gas station, she attempted to leave through the front door but that was bolted and secured like some sort of high security prison. It made her laugh when she compared that to their flimsy handcuffs.

Opening the patio door, she scoped the garden. The garage was no hope as she didn't have a fob, but the worn fence to the side would have to do.

Climbing and jumping over the fence, she ventured towards the gas station. It was a brisk ten minute walk which wasn't bad.

She took the time to ring Blake and she explained her very strange and unique predicament. He was furious but as she spoke about Calum, his feelings faltered. It wasn't a common experience for Demi to speak so fondly of a guy. He was just praying she would look after herself and not get engulfed by badness.

She quickly nipped around the store getting the basics; milk, bread, cheese, orange juice as well as some luxuries.

The walk back was refreshingly cold, the winter was really starting to set in. She breathed, finding amusement in seeing her breath in the air. She took a different route back and walked through the trees. She stopped a few times to listen to the birds or watch the squirrels jump from tree to tree.

"Ash I need you to trust me" Calum's voice cracked as the pressure increased. "We don't need to keep her locked up here, she isn't a danger to us"

Ashton held his silence as he scanned the emotion so rarely seen on the Australian.

"Fine" Ashton grumbled. "I'm not blind, I see what she means to you" Ashton caved, coming around to pat Calum on the shoulder. Calum's face burst with a smile, it was embarrassing the affects she had on him.

"So she is free to go?" Calum pushed.

The echo of the doorbell rang through the property. They frowned at one another, nobody comes to this house, this is their safe house, nothing is ever delivered here.

Descending the stairs, Michael was first to the entrance way followed by Ash and Calum. Curiosity got to Luke and he joined but remained at the top of the staircase looking down, it was far too early in the day to socialize.

Michael looked through the doors peephole. He immediately erupted into a fit of laughter, he clutched his stomach as he stumbled backwards. "Hood you need to see this" he gasped.

Calum followed suit and he too joined in with the laughter before unlocking the door and low and behold, there stood, bags in hand, Demi.

"Good Morning boys!" She smiled cheerily, entering the house.

"You've got to be kidding me" Ash commented as he proceeded to aggressively bolt the door back up. Luke, who remained lent against the bannister, just shook his head before disappearing back into his room.

"Breakfast will be ready in 15" she shouted to them all as she headed into the kitchen to make waffles.

Calum and Michael were very grateful for the real food and only looked up from their plates when they asked for seconds. Ashton on the other hand was quite tentative, expecting them to be laced with something to kill him off. Eventually Michael managed to persuade him to have a few bites. But Blondie still hadn't emerged from his room. Despite the discouragement from the others, she took his plate up to him.

Knocking lightly on his door she simply announced that she would leave them outside his door.

He waited until her footsteps grew quiet before he investigated them. They were still warm.

As she returned to the kitchen she stopped next to Ash, "can we talk?" He nodded and led her to his office. She smiled softly at the empty plate outside of Luke's door.

"Calum's made a pretty good case for you" he sighed rejectfully. "and Michael seems to not hate you as much as myself and Luke". The word hate stung her a little.

"I promise I'm not here for any ill intention. I really like Calum that's it"

"You've got one chance, you fuck this up, then…" and he produced a gun in his hand.

"Got it, so I can go now?" She rushed, not bothered by the loaded weapon in his possession. He nodded and she didn't need to hang around for anymore of his gripping conversational skills.

On her way back to the kitchen, she bent down to collect Luke's plate as he simultaneously stepped out of his room

"I don't need a fucking servant" he spat, grabbing her wrist to get the plate back. She tried to study the reddened mark beneath his eye but the searing pain from her wrist caused her to groan in pain as the plate shattered on the floor.

"What the fuck?" Luke released her wrist and supported it with his hand. The other pushed up her sleeve to reveal the glaring red marks. His stomach heaved. "The cuffs" he muttered.

"They're fine" she wafted his hand away and rolled down her sleeve. Kneeling down to pick up the broken plate pieces, Luke spoke, "leave them and go"

Blinking rapidly, she stood up and properly examined his face. "Will you just leave already? You've caused us enough trouble" his teeth gritted.

"You're full of shit you know that?" Demi stated as she finished collecting the bigger pieces of the plate.

"You know nothing about me" Luke defended, leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed tightly against his chest.

"I'm a good judge of character. You're not like the rest. Tormented... Anyway, I'll see you around Luke" She sighed, leaving him to his  carouseling thoughts.

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