"Did that twig boyfriend of yours never actually fuck you?" He chuckled. He fucking chuckled while his penis is buried deep inside of me.

"Why are you so damn tight" he lets out a quiet groan as he thrusts again and that's when I realize, he's doing it raw.

"Are you fucking crazy? Why aren't you wearing a condom?!"

"Aren't you on the pill?" I nod, "then shut the fuck up and let me finish this shit" he thrusts harder making me let out a muffled moan in my hand.

He keeps on going back and forth, I see his head get thrown back in the dark.

His lips part and a loud groan comes out, I feel liquid shooting inside of me.

"That fast? You're a pussy, Capone" I smirk closing my legs after he pulls out.

"You bled" he whispers out of breath and my eyes widen.

I did?

It worked, Wenda's stitches worked.

"You can't see?" I frown, "I can feel it, it's all over me" he mumbles and I quickly slide the underwear on before he turns on the lights.

His dick is back in his pants thankfully.

I stare at the blood covering my inner thighs and the sheets.

I really did bleed.

"You can shower first, I'll put the sheets aside" Ivan rushes his fingers through his hair.

I nod and make my way to the bathroom, my face as red as the substance between my legs.

I can literally feel his cum running down my thigh.


After showering, I wait for Ivan to shower too, he walks out with a black shirt tight around his biceps and grey sweatpants.

"Let's go" he mumbles his wet hair styled perfectly, he grabs the folded sheets and walks with me downstairs.

Our families sit on the couches, they all stand up once we walk down.

"Happy?" Ivan holds the sheets for his grandparents to see.

"Oh! She's pure!" His grandma grins pulling me in a hug, oh I'm far from that, let me say one word.


"Technically she's not anymore, you old tit-" Vito gets cut off by a hand wrapped around his throat.

"Disrespect a Capone one more time and I'll send your family your meat in packages." Ivan growls making Elliot stand up and push Ivan.

"Don't touch my brother!" Guards quickly grab him back, my mother rushes to her sons.

"I'm so sorry" she apologizes to Ivan, "you two go home, now" she gives them a stern look.

They both leave and Oakley clings to my arm whispering, "did he hurt you?"

"No" I give her a reassuring smile, she sighs and kisses my cheek.

"These sheets will not be heard by anyone outside this house, understood?" Ivan looks at everyone, including the maids and the guards.

After saying goodbye to my family, I make my way upstairs to the bed, wanting sleep really bad.

I don't know where Ivan vanished to, but I'm happy I get the bed for myself tonight.


"Good morning Miss, breakfast is ready" a maid says behind the door as I stretch on the bed.

Where's Ivan?

I stand up and walk to the door opening it to be greeted by a maid holding a broom.

"Good morning" I smile looking at the hallways, "do you know where I can find Ivanov?"

"Mr Ivan slept in that room, miss" she points at the room where no one is allowed in.

I nod and walk to the door, "you're not allowed near it, miss" she nervously whispers.

I scoff, what could be in there?

I knock on the door and I hear movement and shuffling.

The door creaks open a little bit revealing Ivan, who's eyes are red and puffy, his hair messy too.

"What the fuck do you want?" His voice comes out raspy and I try to look behind him but the gap is too small.

"Why are you sleeping in there? Does it mean that bedroom is mine?" I smile excitedly and he simply says "no"

"It's just for last night" he mumbles about to shut the door but I hold it.

"I'm going to train with my uncles" his eyes go dark, "no, no you're not"

"Watch me, Capone" I give him a glare as I walk back to the bedroom.

"We're going to Spain" he sighs.

"For our honeymoon"

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