Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

I'd cursed myself over and over again, but was too nervous to call him. I didn't even know what I was going to say to him on the phone—if I was going to say yes at all, or how to even begin to apologize. I didn't want to give him a call or ask to meet him only to stumble over my words and make everything so much worse.

And then, by the time I'd braved myself and decided to actually dial his number, the call wouldn't go through.

Because he was already filming and wasn't allowed communication. But I hadn't known that. And I'd only been wallowing since, for three months.

Clara's voice brought me out of my thoughts. She asked me, "You were going to say yes, right?"

"I... I don't know," I told her, honestly. "I love him, Clara. I do. But it's... I'm only twenty. I'm not getting married at twenty years old."

She hummed in understanding, nodding a little.

"I would've said yes, if the timing was right," I added quickly, but genuinely. "I mean, I'd still say yes, I think. I know I regretted it when I couldn't reach your brother. I knew I wished I'd said yes. But maybe it could be something like... like a promise ring, instead. I don't know."

"Yeah, Hannah. I get it," she said gently. "I mean, I did tell him he was crazy for buying the ring. But then he said, if you guys loved each other..."

"I do. I love him."

"He almost pulled out of the competition, you know," she told me quietly. "But he'd gotten this far, and I convinced him to stay. I'm sorry if this kinda ruined things between you guys."

"No, no, Clara." I shook my head. The smile on my face was genuine when I said, "I'm glad you convinced him. He's in the finals. That means he made the right decision to stay. He could win the competition!"

She chuckled. "Yeah, we still can't believe it. He really made it. We've always known that he loves cooking, but knowing that he's really close to winning a national cooking competition..."

And to see the proud grin on her face... that was the moment I finally made my decision. "I'll come to the finale."

Clara's face brightened even more. "Really? You will?"

"Yeah. I will. Just, um, don't tell him in your e-mails. That I'm coming. I'll be there to surprise him."

She full-on squealed, before leaving her chair to give me a hug. I returned it with a laugh—the kind of laugh I hadn't heard come out of my own mouth in months.

"Thank you thank you thank you," Clara kept saying as she squeezed me in the hug. "He's gonna be so happy that you're there. I'm so excited!"

I was too, and I almost told her. But I was more nervous than excited, as a plan began to form in my mind.

 But I was more nervous than excited, as a plan began to form in my mind

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