Chapter 10- Little Kids and Big Secrets

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Maria’s POV:

“Maria…I like you a lot. So much more than I have ever liked someone in my entire life. I know we barely know each other but I feel like if I don’t tell you it will just make it more awkward because all I think about is hanging out with you and having fun. If you don’t like me like that and just want to be friends…I understand. I just wanted you to know that I do indeed have a very crazy crush on you.”

Evan finished saying as he looked into my eyes from across the table. Wait…did he just say he liked me? He did. He likes me! Like really likes me!!! I’m not going to deny it either. He was right about that part. It is terribly hard liking someone that much and keeping it to yourself, constantly wondering if they like you back. I guess I should tell him how I feel as well. He deserves to know the truth.

“I like you too Evan.”

After Saturday’s ice cream run with Evan I felt extremely happy. I had this amazing guy who likes me and we have the whole summer to hang out and get to know each other. I was sad though at first because I wouldn’t be able to spend the day with him Sunday (Sunday is my “family day”, I am not allowed to see friends or go out. After church I am expected to help my mom prepare the family dinner which is held at our house and all of the relatives come over and we talk about the week before and the week ahead). But I knew I would see him today since we would be working at the Y together. I loved helping out at the summer camp. Seeing all of the kids enjoy the activities and having a good time with all of the volunteers was always a highlight of my summer. And this year, Evan would be a part of the volunteers. Even better.

I pulled up in my red Toyota Solara, a birthday present last year for my 17th birthday, to the building and already I saw a couple of kids I recognized from last year’s camp. I looked around for Evan but I didn’t see him yet. It was still early; the camp didn’t start for another 20 minutes.

“Maria!!!” I heard the high pitched voices of little kids scream as well as the pitter patter of tennis shoes against the pavement coming toward me. I turned around to be greeted by three of my favorite campers last year.

“Hey you three!! I haven’t seen you guys in FOREVER!” I yelled as I knelt down to give them all a hug. The three hugged me back and I had forgotten how much I loved hugs from little kids. There was something about feeling their little hands and arms hugging you with so much trust that just got to me. I pulled back from the hug and stood up surveying the three of them.

Lily was standing in the middle between her best friends Sam and Gracie. Lily had even more freckles then I remembered and Sam had grown a few inches. Gracie’s hair had been cut shorter and she now had bangs. They looked adorable on her. The three girls had been in my group the past two years, in some ways I felt like they were my little sisters.

“How old are you three now? 6? 7?” I asked the trio.

“I’m 6 ½!” Sam told me gleefully.

“I’m 7!” Gracie and Lily both told me.

“7! Already!?” I questioned them.

“Yep!” They squealed as I walked with them back to the building entrance. Once I had waved to their parents and called out my “Hello’s” and “How are you’s?” I went inside with the children to try and find my group. To my surprise, Evan was already here, sitting in a circle with the rest of my group I assumed. The children were going around the circle and introducing themselves and saying their ages. When I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder he turned to me with a huge smile on his face. He really did love kids.

“Hey Maria! I assume you know most of these kids?” He asked me motioning for me to sit down next to him in the circle. I squeezed into the spot and my knee ended up resting on his but he didn’t seem to mind.

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