Chapter 7- She Likes Me, I Hope

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Evan’s POV:

“Hey dad!” I called.

“Yeah? In the kitchen!”

I followed his voice and

found him cooking eggs and bacon for our breakfast.

“Hey! I was just wondering if you wanted me to wake the boys up. They are still snoozing away in there.” I informed my dad.

“Yeah sounds good. You can tell them that breakfast will be ready in about 15 minutes, okay?”

“Sure thing, dad.”  I smiled at him and left to wake the young ones.

“Hey guys! Time to get up!” I said as I entered Tommy and Jack’s room.

Both boys groaned and rolled over as they covered their heads with their blankets. They were stubborn every morning but I knew something that would get them up.

“Come on you two! If you don’t get up now, dad said he wouldn’t let you go to the beach today.”

“He wouldn’t say that!” Jack disagreed. He had sat up in his bed though to argue with me.

“Yeah! He told us we could go to the beach every day!” Tommy sided with his twin, also sitting up on the top bunk.

“Well I guess you can go take it up with him then!” I told them walking out of the room. Needless to say, they were up and dressed in 5 minutes. My dad assured them they could go to the beach and they gave me gloating looks as if they had won something. It didn’t matter to me, I had won too. They had gotten up.

After breakfast and a few texts with my friends back home I saw it was almost 9. I still had a while until I was going to meet Maria on our daily jogs. Maybe I could just leave early and walk down the beach. I could always turn around if I thought I went too far, and that way I was sure to see Maria. I changed into my running shoes and headed down to the sand after waving goodbye to my dad. Somehow I think he knew I was seeing Maria simply in the way he nodded, but maybe I was just imagining things.

I headed down the beach and headed away from the lighthouse which was to the left. I took my time, taking in the sights and enjoying the fact that I wasn't home, I was in a completely different states a couple hundred miles away. As much as I loved my hometown, I loved McClellanville too. I had only been here a short time but I could see its appeal. It was quiet and serene. You could relax and enjoy the water without being bothered by the city noise or strain of a busy life. As I walked along the compact sand by the water I remembered what had happened only 24 hours before. I had been looking out at the ocean and admiring how the sunlight off the water made it sparkle when I turned and saw a girl jogging right toward me. I didn't even have time to think about stopping before I ran right into her. I remembered how I had openly stared at her beauty and how she had blushed and looked away. She seemed self conscious but at the same time she would be daring and bold like when she asked me if I wanted her to show my "lost and confused butt" around town. She intrigued me and I hoped she thought the same way about me.

I continued my walk and was just about to pass Pinocchio’s when I saw that Maria's friend, Rachel was working. I decided to go talk to her.

"Hey Rachel." I called as I walked up to the stand. There weren't too many people out on the beach yet so the business wasn't that that busy. Rachel turned around with a confused look on her face. She then spotted me and her face lit up like a child on Christmas.

"Heyyy!" Rachel called, once again talking louder than necessary.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked her.

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