Author Note

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Hello everyone!! So sorry this isn't an update, but I am working on it right now!!!

I was just wondering if you guys could give me some feedback about what you like/don't like about this story. I began writing this just for fun, but I have really enjoyed it and I am proud of where it has gone and what it has become.

If you could comment some strengths and weaknesses of my wriitng are, or what you think I do a good job of and what I don't neccessarily do very well that would be great. Also if you are confused about anythig or want some more background information on a character please let me know.

I am very thankful to everyone who reads this story and you guys have no idea how much seeing the reads, comments, and votes mean to me! I enjoy writing and I just need some feedback because I feel like I need some idea of where readers are.

I hope this makes sense and if it isn't too much trouble, please comment or message me! :)



Next chapter will be finished soon!

Stay (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz