Chapter 32- Fake First Date and So Much More

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So sorry that I didn't update on Sunday, if you saw mt status I mentioned that I will be updating on Monday's now. That being said I believe there will only be 3 to 4 more chapters, plus the epilogue...or I might write a sequel, I haven't quite decided yet! But let me know what you think about any of the things I just said!

This chapter....well I don't really know what to say about it..... let me know what you like or dislike about it though! Voting is appreciated and I will dedicate this chapter to a commenter :)




Maria’s POV:

Evan’s birthday was kind of the like the top of our summer roller coaster so to speak. We met in the beginning and everything went up. Everything was good. Everything was a smooth incline that only made us happier and more content to be together. Then things reached their peak. He told me he loved me and I said I loved him too. That night is a night I hope I never forget. That morning even, when we woke up, was one of the happiest times I remember.

Then I saw him with Ashley and I thought my world was crashing down around me. First my mom…and now this? I clearly watched Ashley kiss Evan and all I was thinking was ‘Pull away Evan. Don’t let her do that to you’. But ya know what I saw? He pulled her closer and kissed her back. Only momentarily of course, before he pushed her away and yelled at her.

I wonder sometimes what would of happened if I never would have confronted him about it. I wonder what would have happened if I would have just walked away and broke off all contact with him without an explanation. I like to think he would have hunted me down, waited outside my house until I came out like a creepy stalker. I feel like he would have, and he swears he would never have let me get away that easily.

It’s been a little over a month since that day. And the roller coaster has gone down from its peak, but now we are on a steady part. Maybe a slight incline, but it makes me wonder if we are going to go back down again. I guess only time will tell

Evan and I…well we haven’t really changed much over the last month. We hang out every day. Usually end up falling asleep at one another’s houses which our parents have come to accept. They don’t let us sleep in the same room though, so it’s become a kind of game to see who can fall asleep first and not have to move.

Ryan and Rachel are as good as ever. They call Evan and I the “sweet romantic couple” and we call them the “annoyingly outgoing and hilarious couple”. It suits us though. Evan is as sweet as ever to me and Ryan and Rach crack each other up by just looking at each other sometimes.

Another interesting thing has occurred over the last month: Evan’s dad and Rachel’s mom got together. Kind of. They are friends and she is always over at Evan’s house when I am there, which is kind of strange because to me she is like a second mom and seeing her with my boyfriend’s dad is kind of overwhelming. They say they “enjoy one another’s company” and I guess that makes sense. They both recently lost their spouses and having someone in your life who is going through the same thing probably helps a lot.

Tonight though, Evan wants me to forget about everything that has happened. He told me he wants me to not even act like we know each other. I am supposed to be focused on getting to know him and he is going to be focused on getting to know me. Apparently when I told him on that wretched morning that I thought we rushed our relationship that really made him upset. I guess a month later was when he finally got this lovely idea to have a “fake first date”.

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