Chapter 17- Surprise Surprise Surprise

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A/N- hey! This whole chapter has been typed up on my phone so please excuse any grammatical errors! I will fix them later! I love this chapter so much! It isn't the dinner yet because I wanted that to be one whole chapter by itself but this is a fun chapter so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading! Please comment and tell me what you think! It would mean the world to me if you voted too!! Thanks :)  -Hannah


Chapter 17:

Evan's POV:

After hearing about Sean and his new girlfriend and how much of an affect it had on Maria I knew it was time to talk to him. The whole week I had chosen to stay away from him and only intervene if he did something to Maria. Well lucky for me, he had.

At the end of the camp Maria and I were waving goodbye to the kids and telling them we would see them on Monday for the second week when I saw my chance. Sean's group had already all left and Maria was busy focused on Sam, Lily and Gracie so I told her I needed to talk to somebody and that I would be right back. I walked over to where Sean was standing. He saw me coming and for a second I thought he was going to try and walk away and pretend like he didn't see me at all, but he stood his ground and waited for me to get over to him.

"Hey man, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

"Sure. What's up? Evan right?"

"Yes, Evan. Can we talk outside?" I asked, trying to get him to leave before Maria noticed exactly who I was talking to.

He paused and narrowed his eyes at me but when I held my gaze at him he nodded and led me out the back towards the balcony. "Alright. Now what can I do for you?" Sean asked me leaning with his back against the railing.

I leaned so I was facing the opposite way then him and looked out at the ocean. I needed this to come out right so that Sean would realize I meant business. "Sean. I am Maria's boyfriend. She is with me now and from what she told me I believe you are with someone else as well."

"Well I wouldn't say I'm with anybody-"

"Okay whatever that's not the point. The point is that Maria is with me and I would appreciate it if you didn't try and talk to her. It would be nice if you could just forget that what you two had ever existed." I explained keeping my tone level. I didn't want to sound like I knew about the car crash since as far as Sean knows Maria and himself are the only ones that actually know what happened.

"What happened with Maria and I is a lot more complicated then you realize Evan. It wasn't just a bad breakup. There was a whole lot more to the story." Sean informed me as he turned and faced the way I was.

"Well then tell me about it." I challenged him. It would be interesting to hear the story from his point of view. Even though I doubt he would tell me.

"I can't tell you. It's personal." Sean grumbled.

"Well it is personal for me to Sean."

"Look Evan. I made a terrible mistake with Maria. I did. There I said it. I. Messed. Up. But she is never going to forgive me and that is something that I cannot get out of my head. I lost something more than my girlfriend. I lost my best friend. Whatever she tells you about me, know that I did care about her even when it seems like I didn't."

Sean ended his speech and looked me in the eyes. I could tell he was being honest and I almost felt bad for him. Almost. But I remembered Maria crying in my arms Monday and I remembered how this morning she had looked so upset and scared after just seeing Sean. I couldn't let him off the hook that easily just because he apologized. What he did was unforgivable.

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