Chapter 25- Birthday Plans and Confessions

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(A/N)- okay! So I am really excited for you all to read this chapter and the next ones, because it gets into Evan's past and his friends! I have some amazing stuff planned for the following chapters!! Please vote and comment what you think! I love hearing from you!!!  

Dedicated to MyHeartsMistake, her stories are absolutely amazing and I love them :)

-Hannah :)

Evan's POV:

It was Saturday morning and I hadn't stopped smiling since I kissed Maria goodnight and entered my room to go to bed.

The morning light was streaming through the window and I laid back and listened for the faint sound of the water crashing to shore. I loved it here. Being this close to the beach, hearing the ocean when you fall asleep at night, and waking up to it every morning... it is going to be really hard to leave.

My text alert rang out through the peaceful morning and I rolled over searching the floor for my phone. I spotted it towards a pile of clothes that I had been meaning to put in drawers, but never really got around to doing it. I rolled off the bed and picked up my phone before heading out to the kitchen.

I saw I had multiple messages from Nick. The most recent one read, "Call me!! I have some awesome news!!" Well it looks like he will be the first person I talk to this morning.

"Evaaaaan! Man I haven't talked to you in forever!"

"Yeah I know... I have been a little busy sorry. What's up? Why did you want me to call you?" I asked as I headed down to the beach. It was only a little past 7 and my dad and brothers weren't awake yet.

"Dude, you will not believe what I am about to tell you!"

"Well...go on," I prompted.

"We convinced our parents to let us take a road trip down to the town you are staying in and celebrate your birthday with you! How great is that?" Nick asked me, I could picture his smiling face on the other end of the phone, waiting to hear how excited I was to see them, but for some reason, I wasn't.

My birthday. I had completely forgotten about it. It was the 22nd, this upcoming Wednesday.

"You...what?" I asked, I couldn't believe it. "Wait...we? Who is we?" I asked my best friend who I was apparently going to see soon.

"Yeah! We, ya know, me and Ben, Tessa, uh..."

"And who?" I asked stopping in my tracks. If he said her name...I don't know if I could take it.


No. NO. I couldn' Ashley doesn't belong in McClellanville. None of them do to be honest. Sure they are my best friends. Nick, Ben and I had known each other since kindergarten. Tessa and Ben had been dating for almost two years now, so that makes sense. But why Ashley? Why would she want to come see me, of all people?

"Yeah man...look I know you and her had a bad breakup, but she really wanted to her parents are giving us gas she kinda had to come," Nick told me. He sounded genuinely sorry, and I know there wasn't anything he could of done about it. Once Ashley sets her mind on something, there is no stopping her.

"Yeah, you're right," I said, realizing Nick was not the one I was angry with, "So when will you guys get down here?"

"Well we are planning on leaving later today. We just got our parent's permission last night, so most of us still have to pack. I think we are just planning on being there for two or three days at the most though. And we are driving straight through, just taking shifts so people can sleep, although with the four of us in one car...I don't know if there will be much sleeping," Nick told me, laughing to himself.

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