Chapter 23- Attack, then Alone

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Dedicated to @lennwebster!!! She is amazing and her story 38 Days is absolutely amazing!! Check it out!!! :)


Chapter 23:

Evan’s POV:

After our Sunday adventures on the boat and elsewhere, Maria and I were even more inseparable than before. The whole week at camp we could hardly focus on the kids, despite talking about it multiple times how they were the priority and we really needed to start focusing more.

The camp coordinator even told us to take a longer lunch break, just so we could come down from cloud nine. Needless to say the extra minutes we spent down at the beach weren’t exactly clearing our heads, just giving us more of each other to think about.

I had told my dad about the boat ride and the necklace I had given her. He was proud of me but questioned whether I was rushing everything. I couldn’t believe he said that. I had come in Sunday night happy with absolutely everything in the world and he had to bring me down.

It wasn’t even so much that he asked that but the way he said it, “You know Evan...I know you care about this girl and all….but it’s summer! You need to spend time with your family! Maria is great, she is, but I feel like you are using her to get away from us, your family.”

Are you kidding me? Friday night at dinner he was all for our relationship! And then he turns around and questions it? I was mad at the time, but Maria assured me he was just nervous about the whole thing. She also told me that I should try and hang out with my brothers more and she said she would gladly watch them with me. That was nice of her and I remembered how much fun we had had that first Saturday with the sand castle building with my brothers.

Today was Friday, the last day of camp, and I had promised my dad I would come home right after and take the twins somewhere fun. I was planning on taking them to the mini-golf course that Maria had taken me to. I think they would enjoy that.

“Alright campers! This is it! The final activity of the camp!” the camp coordinator yelled to all the kids who were gathered around. The kids screamed excitedly and waited for the instructions. Maria told me that this activity was the best one of them all, but she refused to tell me exactly what it was.

I looked over at her and saw she was smiling right at me. Something was up, but I had no idea what.

“Are you all ready?” the coordinator called.

“Yeah!” every kid screamed back.


Wait…what? I didn’t have any time to react. Out of nowhere, water balloons, water guns, and buckets of water appeared and every kid in my group grabbed one or the other and came charging at me. They didn’t even try and get Maria! Every single one went right for me!

I was hit on all sides from balloons and squirts of water from various water guns. They had me surrounded and all I could do was laugh and try and keep my eyes open through all of the water soaking me.

I tried to find Maria and I realized she had joined in and was soaking me with a Super Soaker. Oh she was in for it. I broke through the ring of kids who had mostly run out of ammunition and headed straight for her.

She mouthed an “Oh no,” when I found a discarded water gun with half a tank full and pointed it in her direction.

I quickly soaked her as much as I could with what I had before dropping it and running over to her. “You think you are so sneaky don’t you?” I asked her, “Getting all the kids to come and soak me and not you?”

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