Chapter 15- Fathers are Always There (Whether You Like It or Not)

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Evan's POV:

After Maria dropped me off at my house I walked into the living room and found my dad sitting up for me looking like he wanted to talk. It was only 11:30 so I wasn't past my curfew which was 12, so I knew that wasn't the issue. But there was clearly something on his mind...I just didn't know what it was. Let's hope it isn't Ashley, because last time he brought her up I didn't want to hear it.

"Hey dad." I said as I came in and sat down on the coffee table so I was facing him on the couch.

"Hey Evan." He said as he nodded at me. Then he stopped and just stared at me.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" I asked, feeling like this conversation wasn't going to be a good one.

"Oh Evan...I don't know...I just feel like ever since what happened with mom, you have been blocking me out-"

"Dad I haven't been blocking you out! I talk to you all the time!" I protested.

"Now I know that! And yes, you do talk to me. But not about the important stuff! I didn't even know you broke up with Ashley until a month later and I had to find out from your brothers! What kind of parenting is that?"

"Dad I didn't tell you about Ashley for reasons I would like to keep to myself. But just because I didn't tell you about her, doesn't mean I am 'blocking you out'," I reasoned.

"Okay got it. You and Ashley are the past and clearly you don't want to talk about it. But now this girl... Evan I just want to make sure you think things through! I want to make sure you aren't using her-"

"This girl's name is Maria and I would appreciate it if you talked about her like she was a human being and not something I found in the ocean! I am not using her for anything dad!"

"Evan! Come on now! You know I didn't mean it like that! Son...I just don't know what to think! Back home you hardly went out these past couple of months! You stayed in your room all day! I was beginning to think you needed to see a counselor or something!"

"Dad! Are you kidding me?! The only reason I stayed in my room was because I didn't know what to do! My girlfriend and I broke up! My mom just passed away and my best friends did nothing but give me looks full of pity all day! And ya know what you were doing that whole time? Sitting in the study just staring at a picture of mom like that was going to make her come back! She is dead dad! Dead!" I finished as I stood up and went over to the window and stared out at the moon over the ocean. I couldn't believe I just said all of that to my father. I know it was wrong; he lost the love of his life. But that doesn't make it okay for him to think that Maria is just some sort of person I am using to get over Ashley and the loss of my mom. He was partially right, when I was with Maria, everything in my past just disappeared and I could focus on the present. But I was certainly not going to just leave her in the dust after I felt better. I could never do that to her. Not after what happened to her with Sean.

"Evan Charles Thompson. How dare you use that tone with me about your own mother! Yes! I know that I wasn't completely okay there for awhile but I was doing my best! The only thing I could think about was how I was going to raise you and your brothers without her! Evan...Evan please come over here." My father pleaded. I could hear his anger dying down in his tone and I knew he just wanted to be able to understand what was going on, but I just couldn't deal with it right now.

"Dad. I'm sorry for saying what I said about mom...I know you were doing your best...but please understand that Maria and I have something real and if you ever try and act like she is some girl I am using to get over Ashley or the loss of mom then I am going to have to leave," I turned away from the window and saw a single tear fall down my father's cheek. "I'm sorry. I really am. But I don't know what else to tell you." With that I headed to my room. When I passed by Tommy and Jack's room I swear I heard them whispering something about a fight, but I was too tired to go see if they were talking about my dad and I fighting. They could just figure it out tomorrow.

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