Chapter 21- Water Balloon Fight!

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(A/N): Don't kill me! Please I beg you! I know I said I would upload this and I am terribly sorry I didn't!  Anyway! I hope you like this part! Evan is such a sweetheart :)



Chapter 21:

Evan’s POV:

After saying one last goodbye to Maria’s family on our way out, Maria and I were headed to some unknown destination. Apparently Maria didn’t know where we were going anymore then I did. All she knew was an address given to her by Ryan and an order to wear swimming suits. She told me he had texted her earlier on in the week and explained that he had something fun set up for us to do. "Us" included Maria and I and Ryan and Rach of course.

Maria drove through town and explained to me the address led to a house farther inland towards the countryside. I turned the radio up and enjoyed being able to stare at Maria while she drove. She was a rather funny driver. She was so concentrated but yet always managed to keep a conversation going. She would often sneak looks over at me and I wouldn’t even try to hide the fact I was staring right at her. Maybe I should be paying more attention to road since you never know if some crazy person is going to hit us that I could maybe warn Maria about, but I just couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

She had put on a purple bikini and a white loose dress on top. The right shoulder of the dress was hanging off her shoulder revealing her tanned skin. She had a line of freckles along her collar bone that led up her neck that I remembered from earlier when I had kissed each one. I could see them now and my body wanted so badly to kiss them again and feel her skin under my lips.

I couldn’t believe what had happened after lunch in Maria’s room. What had begun with me being honestly grateful for the pie her mom made turned into an all out make out session.

“Your family is quite entertaining,” I said quietly as I trailed my fingers up and down her arms. The goose bumps left behind from my touch only made me want to get closer to her. “The strawberry pie was the best part though, especially because your mom made it to celebrate us,” I told her sincerely and looked her in the eyes trying to convey every feeling that was coursing through my veins, the most prominent one being love.

As scary as it was to me, I couldn’t describe how I felt about Maria in any other way. She mumbled something but I was too focused on her lips getting closer to mine to comprehend what she said. I lowered my head and right when our noses touched I paused. I had to tell her. I had to explain just how much she truly meant to me. “Maria-“ I began but her lips met mine and I couldn’t continue.

She kissed me like she understood everything I couldn’t say. I moved my lips with hers and my hands went to her hips and I held her close against me as breathing became harder for both of us. I brought my hands up to her hair and kissed the corner of her mouth to give her a chance to catch her breath.

I needed her closer to me. I brought my hands back down to her hips and told her what I needed her to do. “Jump.”

She obeyed and soon her legs were wrapped around my waist and I stepped so her back was resting against the wall next to her door. I rested my forehead on hers and looked into her gorgeous brown eyes as our chests moved up and down together breathing in the air we hadn’t let ourselves breathe in the past few minutes.

She was looking at me and a huge smile appeared on her face; her eyes we so happy and dancing with excitement. She was looking at me like no girl had ever looked at me before. I smiled right back and leaned forward to kiss her down her neck. My fingers felt where her shirt had ridden up and I took the opportunity to trail the tips of my fingers over her exposed skin.

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